Table of Contents

UND Atmospheric Sciences Department Wiki

Welcome to the New (2024) Department of Atmospheric Sciences knowledge base, a fully searchable collection of documentation information. To be able to create or edit site documents, users must create an account. The site administrator automatically reviews new users account and has to approve them before users are able to modify documents.

Atmospheric Sciences Curriculum



Student Resources


New B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences Curriculum

This curriculum is in effect for students enrolling Fall 2018 or later.


Career Paths

These are list of different career paths for Atmospheric Science students.

Career Paths

Career Electives

These are elective courses for students enrolling Fall 2020 or later.


Technical Electives

Current Technical Electives

Minor in Computer Science for Atmospheric Sciences Majors

Computer Science Minor

Information Technology (IT)

In addition to the help on the topics listed below, the Aerospace College maintains a help site related to using information technology.

