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Running Hawkeye on Calgary

HawkEye is a next generation lidar and radar display tool. It can display real-time and archived CfRadial data either in BSCAN, PPI, or RHI geometry. Editing capability will be added in future releases.

Work Flow for running Hawkeye

First, make sure you have lrose-core installed in your ~/git directory on Calgary. If you have already done this, skip to the step where we change shells from BASH to TCSH.

mkdir ~/git
cd git

Clone repositories

git clone
git clone

Set up and build lrose-core by running the script in the ~/git/lrose-core/build directory:

cd lrose-core/build

The setup may take a few minutes. Once the script has ran, you will need to change shells from BASH to TCSH:


Now, try and view all the .ar2v radar files from the KMLB radar from 07/25/2019 using Hawkeye:

HawkEye -f /nas/und/Florida/2019/Radar/projDir.kmlb/data/raw/20190725/*

Two windows should pop up (Time controller window and the main radar window). On the main radar window, you will notice that no radar images pop up immediately. You need to select (REF) in the FIELD LIST instead of DBZ.

Working with Hawkeye

The time controller window allows you to flip/loop through the radar files you asked HawkEye to read in.

In the main radar window, you have 4 main sections. Displayed on the far left there is the various radar information that is currently beeing shown. To the right of that section is the FIELD LIST section where you can select whether you want to view REFLECTIVITY (REF), VELOCITY (VEL), DIFFERENTIAL REFLECTIVITY (ZDR), etc. To the right of that section is main radar display which shows the FIELD LIST chosen with a series of radials extending outwards from the radar site. This radials can be toggled on/off by selecting the 'Overlays' drop-down menu from the tool-bar on top of the page. Finally the section to the right of the main radar display is the Sweeps section which allows the user to control/select the various radar beam elevations.

In HawkEye, you caqn click anywhere on the radar image and the two panels to the right of the main radar display will show you the characteristics of the that given pixel (time, azimuth angle, and value). You can also select the 'Show Click' from the tool-bar on top of the page which will display all the characteristics of that selected pixel; It doesn't matter what FIELD LIST variable you selected.

hawkeye.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/02 17:50 by