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POLCAST4 Surface/Lab Data Processing


  • Copy the *.csv from from CCN coutner to the NAS drive and place in a DMT directory.
  • The script process_day_dmtccnc converts a day of *.csv files into the UND NASA format.

CPC - Model 3771

Note that the time value in the output file is based on the computer system's time, not the acquisition system time. Hence, it is necessary to have the computer system to be on UTC time and not local time.

  • Copy the *.C72 data files to mounted NAS drive
  • On a windows machine in lab, open Aerosol Ins Management program.
  • Select *.C72 data file
  • Select one sample at a time from the sample list
  • Select File export
  • Highlight the following parameters:
     Concentration, Analog Input, Count, Time Stamp, Extension: (*.txt), Comma
  • Select “Column” check box.
  • Select Save As for output file.
  • Name file as <filename>.sample1 (and consecutively sample2,3,4…for remaining samples)
  • In Terminal

convert_cpc3771tonasa file=<filename>

  • Use cplot2 to display the data file made with convert_cpc3771tonasa.

CPC - Model 3775

Note that the time value in the output file is based on the computer system's time, not the acquisition system time. Hence, it is necessary to have the computer system to be on UTC time and not local time.

  • Copy the *.C75 data files to mounted NAS drive
  • On a windows machine in lab, open Aerosol Ins Management program.
  • Select *.C75 data file
  • The select one sample at a time samples from sample list
  • Select File export
  • Select the following Data to Export and parameters:
     Concentration, Analog Input, Count, Time Stamp (hh:mm:ss), Extension: (*.txt), Comma
  • Select Save As for output file.
  • Name file as <filename>.txt
  • Select OK button.
  • Use convert_cpc3771tonasa to convert to UND NASA format.

M200 Data System

  • The M200 SEA data system is used to collect data from the UWyo (SN 112) CCN Counter via the SEA A/D board and the PCASP. Data is recorded on 8 mm tapes using the 'm200/rewind' command to start recording data at the start of a tape and overwrite any data on the tape. The 'm200/rewind' command needs to be executed from the C:/2012/POLCAST4 directory.
  • Once data recording is finished, 'quit' is used to stop recording data to the tape, rewind the tape and eject the tape.


  • The Lighting Solar system is used to copy the data from the tape to the hard drive. The 'copy_tape' command is executed at a terminal prompt to read the tape data.
  • If more than one file exists on tape enter 'y' when asked to skip tape; else enter 'n' to proceed with copying.
  • The data file from Lightning is copied to the NAS using scp.
    • Make sure a directory has been set up for the file, along with a 'PostProcessing' directory

i.e. mkdir <filename>

            mkdir <filename>/PostProcessing
  • Copy file from Lightning to NAS
       i.e. scp <filename.sea> <user>@<location><filename_datetime/PostProcessing

Processing on NAS

  • Once files are copied over to NAS, process each data file individually using the 'process all' prompt

i.e. process_all_polcast4

           If you run into any trouble type process_all_polcast4 -h for syntax help
  • View processed files on cplot for quality check on data.


  • Have to download the *.S80 file from the laptop recording the data to the NAS network drive.

Convert from TSI (*.S80) Format to Text File Format (*.txt)

  • Be sure Windows OS Computer (Windows 7) is set to a UTC 24 hour clock
    • Open Control Panel and go into region and Language
    • Set short time to HH:mm
    • Set long time to HH:mm:ss
    • Apply
    • Right click the clock in the toolbar and choose Adjust Date/Time
    • Choose Change Time Zone and select '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time'
    • Apply
  • Open Aerosol Instrument Manager Software (currently version on a Windows machine
  • Open *S80 file using <File><Open> menu. Make sure file type is 'SMPS Data file (*.S80)'
  • Select Yes if prompted to view all files that are in a sequence
  • Highlight all samples in the “Samples List” window and select Export to File under File menu.
  • Export Parameters are:
  • Data Type - dW/dlogDp - check “number” box
  • Delimiter - comma
  • Orientation - Row
  • Uncheck Raw Data
  • Uncheck Export All Channels (only version 9 and above)
  • Save as <filename>.v9.txt (Be sure not to append existing file or the new exported data will be added to the bottom of the previously made file). <filename> should by YY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.v9.txt format.

Convert from Text File Format (*.txt) to NASA/UND File Format

Use the ADPAA script convert_smpsv9tonasa for processing of text files from Version 9 of AIM software


  • All data is download weekly from the TEOM instrument using a laptop via a network interface.
  • The data file is place on the NAS drive under the /nas/ral/NorthDakota/Summer2012/Surface/CliffordHall_601

/TEOMData /AllData directory.

        i.e. 1405A204920905_2012-6-28_16-30-20.csv 
  • The data file is edited to remove all non POLCAST4 data to create a file (i.e.

POLCAST4_All_2012-6-28_16-30-20.csv) containing all POLCAST4 data up to this point.

  • The convert_TEOM_csv is used to convert the POLCAST4 data file into the standard UND-NASA ASCII format file
        i.e. 12_06_12_14_51_40.teom.raw
  • Quality Assurance is performed on this data file to remove any bad data to create a clean file by applying edits

contained in the edit file

i.e. 12_06_12_14_51_40.teom.clean

        i.e. 12_06_12_14_51_40.teom.edits
  • Copy new file to 12_06_12_14_51_40.teom.raw
  • Make sure to edit out data that was accumulated before the project.

POLCAST4 Surface/Lab Data Merging

  • To get the chamber supersaturation with into the dmtccn_conc.raw file:
     mergefield field=2 target=5 tolerance=0.5 file=13_05_10_00_00_00.serialc.dmtccnc.raw < 13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccn_conc.raw > 13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccn_conc2.raw
  • To combine CPC and CCNC data (from PostProcessing directory):
     mergefield field=1 target=6 tolerance=0.5 file=../CPCData/13_05_10_16_23_57.cpc3775.raw < ../CCNCData/PostProcessing/13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccn_conc2.raw > 13_05_10_00_00_00.dmtccnc_cpc.raw
atmos/citation/field/northdakota2012/documentationsurface2012processing.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/07 19:46 by