Wednesday August 11, 2021 - Wind Direction Comparison
The UND MetTrailer has two anemometers, the Gill WindSonic and the Weather Transmitter (WXT536). The roof of Clifford Hall also has a Gill WindSonic anemometer that stopped transmitting data because of a power outage from a severe storm the night before (Tuesday August 10, 2021).
Observations from these two anemometers show scattered wind directions the previous day (Tuesday August 10, 2021) at 00Z (6:00 PM CST). At about 04:50Z (10:50 PM CST) the wind direction started to become more uniform with the increase of wind speeds. The wind direction went from 55 degrees to 299 degrees at 04:47Z (August 10, 2021, 10:47 PM CST), meaning the wind direction changed from NE to NW. At 04:50Z (10:50 PM CST) the WXT536 on the MetTrailer shows the temperature (in degrees Celsius) gradually deceasing from 22.7 degrees Celcius at 04:50Z to 19.9 degrees Celsius by 06:00Z.
Figure 1: Image showing two hour period on August 10, 2021 from 04:00Z to 06:00Z from the two anemometers on the MetTrailer located at the Delene's residence. The wind direction is shown changing from NE to NW.
Figure 2: Image showing two hour period on August 10, 2021 from 04:00Z to 06:00Z from the two anemometers on the MetTrailer located at the Delene's residence. The wind speed is shown gradually increasing.
Figure 3: Image showing two hour period on August 10, 2021 from 04:00Z to 06:00Z from the Weather Transmitter on the MetTrailer located at the Delene's residence. The temperature is shown gradually decreasing (in degrees Celsius).
At 14:14Z (8:14 AM CST), the Clifford Hall Roof anemometer started displaying data again.