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How to Compile WRF 3.2.1 suite of programs on HPC

*Can be downloaded from the WRF-ARW site. Scroll to the bottom and click whether you are a new or returning user. If you are new, you will have to fill out a simple for to register before downloading. Returning users will only need their email address they previously registered with.@default


  1. While in your home directory on hpc, open the file .bashrc with your favorite text editing program. ex. (vi , pico)
  2. Make sure that the following is included if using Portland Group compilers
    PGI=/opt/pgi; export PGI
    export NETCDF='/usr/local/netcdf'
    export PATH=$NETCDF/bin:$PATH
    export WRF_DIR='/home/austinbl/wrf311/WRFV3'
    export PATH=$WRF_DIR:$PATH
    #NCAR Graphics
    export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local
    export PATH=$NCARG_ROOT/bin:$PATH
    # for WPS
    export JASPERLIB='/usr/local/lib'
    export JASPERINC='/usr/local/include'
  3. After updating .bashrc, use the command
    source .bashrc


  1. Download WRF version 3.2.1 which will come in the form of WRFV3.2.1.TAR.gz.
  2. Then transfer the file to hpc with the command
     scp file 
  3. Once the file is on hpc, you must untar and ungzip the file.
     tar xzf filename 
  4. Move to the WRFV3 and use the online compilation instructions.
    1. If compiling with the Portland Group compilers, chose the following
      4.  Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc  (dm+sm)


  1. Download WPS and transfer to hpc as in WRFV3 steps 1 and 2.
  2. Use the online compiling instructions. Make sure to use the same compiler as used with WRFV3.
atmos/software/wrf/3.2.1/compile/hpc.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by