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Setting up SD Card for Raspberry Pi: Win32 Disc Imager


Reads and Writes images for Raspberry Pi SD cards.

Acquiring/Verifying SD Card

  1. Locate an SD Card. Make sure that it is blank or that all existing data has been wiped.
  2. Insert the SD card into a MicroSD Adapter.
  3. Insert the MicroSD Adapter into APS laptop.
    • MicroSD port is on the front of laptop
  4. Check to see if the laptop is registering the SD Card/Adapter.
    • A new drive should pop up under “ThisPC” when using file explorer.
    • Often times it will be called “Secure Digital storage device” and be labeled as drive “E:

Win32 Disc Imager Conversion Process

  1. Start by opening the Win32 Disc Imager on the APS laptop on the Desktop.
    • A desktop logo should be apparent. If unable to find, search for the program under the search bar, or manually search within the Desktop folder.
  2. An interface should pop up. Under the Device dropdown menu, make sure the drive registered to the SD Card is selected. For example: “E:”.
  3. Under image file, click the folder icon and locate the image file.
    • On the APS laptop, image files are located under “C:/Images”.
    • Both 3d-Paws and Raspberry Pi 4 versions are available.
  4. Click “Write” to begin writing the image to the blank SD Card.
    • Sometimes a “beware of corruption” warning occurs. Just hit OK and ignore the warning.
    • This usually takes ~20-30mins to finish writing to the SD Card
  5. A “Write Successful” message should appear after the Imager has completed.
    • Multiple drives may need to be formatted. Once done, eject the SD Card/Adapter

Raspberry Pi Setup

  1. Take the SD card out of the adapter, insert into the Raspberry Pi, and turn on the machine.
  2. Upon initial bootup, allow the Raspberry Pi to reformat the SD Card.
  3. Make sure “Raspberry Pi OS Full (32bit)” is selected and hit “Install”.
    • Process should take a few minutes to complete.
  4. Hit “OK” on the “Installation Successful” button. The Raspberry Pi should then reboot.
  5. Success! You have installed successfully. Follow the additional Raspberry Pi prompts for the final calibration and setup.
atmos/software/win32discimager.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/16 20:43 by