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In order to compile and run the UWCOMMAS model, you must have crm_clean.tar in your home directory. Once you have this file, follow the steps below to untar, compile, and run the UWCOMMAS model.

1) To untar and unzip the UWCOMMAS file, use the basic commands: " tar xzf crm_clean.tar.gz "
2) open "Makefile" with any text editor, preferably in Unix to avoid hidden characters.
  • Make sure that your “LOCAL” directory is the directory in which you have unzipped crm_clean
3) Change TYPE, TRACER, and ADVECTION_METHOD, if needed. After this, save the file and close it.
4) Type "make clean" to remove unnecessary files, then type "make all" to compile the program.
  • This should create an executable file called “Drive” in the main directory and another called “init” in the Init (Initialization) directory.


  • 3d.params should be modified before continuing to step 6. For further information, see the 3d.params link
6) Run "init"
  • The command is './init'
7) Move the output file to rename it "fort.12"
  • The command is 'mv <output> fort.12'
8) Next we need to tell UWCOMMAS how we want the model to run (i.e. start time, time steps, etc.)
  • Skim through adapt_input and adjust the necessary parameters (Again, see adapt_input above for namelist information)


A) Type in the following command: ./drive > drive.log 2>&1 &
  • What this will do is place output log and errors into drive.log. The “&” at the end will run it in the background. If you would like the file to write somewhere else, just rename “drive.log” to whatever you want.
  • If you want to see progress, you can type “tail drive.log” and that will display the last 6 lines of the model run
  • If you want to see progress continuously, you can type “tail -f drive.log” and that will continuously display the model run steps until either the model is done or the user aborts the command (ctrl C).
B) Your file output will be default to .cdf file allowing you to use them in MATLAB/IDL or other .cdf programs.


atmos/software/uwcommas/compile/run.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by