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Ubuntu Subsystem on Windows 10 (Version 20.04)

Note: commands to use in terminal will be written after $

Notes on Creating Username

There are a few ways to create a username and password

  • After installing ubuntu version 20.04 there will be a prompt to enter new UNIX username
    • A good username option would be to use your UND username with underscores instead of periods
    • Next Prompt will be to create a new password. Hit enter when done.
      • Note: When you type in password, it will look like nothing is being typed!
    • Retype password
    • The next prompt will ask for full name, etc. You only need to put in your name. Press enter to get through rest of prompts.
  • If there is no prompt to create a username and password after installing, or you want to create another username on ubuntu, use the following lines:
    • $ sudo adduser 'put username here'
      • Note: Make sure you put the username you want after adduser and before hitting enter
    • Follow the steps above to finish creating username and password
Notes on Updating/Upgrading System
  • in command line $sudo apt update
  • $ sudo apt upgrade
  • You will get a prompt “Do you want to continue? Y/N” $Y
Notes on Installing Python onto Ubuntu
  • $ sudo apt update
  • $ sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
  • To install Anaconda on Ubuntu use the steps from the link below

Notes on Installing Fortran on Ubuntu
  • $ sudo apt-get update
  • $ sudo apt-get upgrade
  • $ sudo apt-get install gfortran

To check if fortran is installed type these commands:

  • $ which gfortran
  • $ gfortran - -version
Notes of executing Fortran file in ubuntu:

Create a file in a text editor (such as vim)

  • $ vim filename.f

After creating and writing in file, check the permissions to file

  • $ ls -l filename.f

If file does not have executable permissions, type in command:

  • $ sudo chmod +x filename.f

By typing in above command, you will get a file named a.out. You can execute file by typing:

  • $ ./a.out

Move a.out file to original filename

  • $ mv a.out filename
atmos/software/ubuntusubsystem.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/19 18:40 by