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Mozilla Composer


One option for classes is to only use Blackboard for grading and use a class website for posting all other materials. David Delene does this due to the removal of material after the semester ends, since there are people interested in accessing my class material from all around the world, and for years, if not decades after the semester ends. A website keeps the class material open and accessible. You can keep your own backup of the site so it can always be deployed to a new web server. For examples of class websites, see David Delene's teaching page. An example site is AtSc252]. [[|Mozilla Composer can be used to create the Website.

Composer is a graphical WYSIWYG HTML editor used to view, write and edit HTML source code. Mozilla Composer is just as easy, or easier, than Blackboard to use. Additionally, a link to the class site can be provided on the site in Blackboard Class site. Students have not had any issues with using the site.

There is an aerospace servers available to host your class web sites with enough space to allow for posting all Zoom recorded sessions. David Delene is willing to help setup a site. Note that for basic websites with static content, the University another creation/hosting solution. However, for dynamic website, the University website solution does not work.

atmos/software/mozillacomposer/mozilla_composer.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/30 00:35 by delene