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This application prints out storm or track data in column ASCII format, suitable for use by other applications such as spread-sheets. Storm properties are selected using the TRACK_ENTRY option, while aggregate track properties are selected using the COMPLETE_TRACK option. This application uses the storm track header files (.th5) as input and produces a .txt file as an output.

Why Is It Important ?

It helps in the extraction of data from a storm header file in a format that can then be read by python.

How To Run This Application ?

Run the following from the command line:

Tracks2Ascii -f ~/projDir.strathmore/data/titan/storms/20170710.th5 -params ~/projDir.strathmore/ingest/params/Tracks2Ascii.params >> /home/sankhasubhra.maitra/projDir.strathmore/Tracks2Ascii_files/20170710_singletracknum_te.txt

Output Generated

The output generated for the above mentioned command can be found here: Currently N/A due to technical glitch !!20200330output.params

Params File

The params file for this application can be found here:tracks2ascii.params

atmos/software/lrose/tracks2ascii.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/07 22:36 by