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Extraction of Values of VIL For All Levels into an ASCII File

Generate the Titan params file by running the following from command line:

* Titan -print_params > ~/projDir.olds/titan/params/Titan.olds.params

Obtain the params file here :

Change the working directory to the following:


Set the symbolic link to the following directory:

* ln -s vil_all_levels vil

Generate the storm track files for VIL above levels by running the following :

* Titan -start “2017 07 09 00 02 32” -end “2017 07 09 23 59 18” -params ~/projDir.olds/titan/params/Titan.olds.params

Generate the output ASCII file (available here : )using Tracks2Ascii:

Tracks2Ascii -start “2017 07 09 00 00 00” -end “2017 07 09 23 59 59” -params Tracks2Ascii.te.params » stormsoutput20170709_alllevels.txt

Extraction of Values of VIL Above the Melting Level into an ASCII File

Change the working directory to the following:


Remove the previous link and set the symbolic link to the following directory: * rm vil

* ln -s vil_above4km vil

Generate the storm track files for VIL above levels by running the following :

* Titan -start “2017 07 09 00 02 32” -end “2017 07 09 23 59 18” -params ~/projDir.olds/titan/params/Titan.olds.params

Generate the output ASCII file (available here : )using Tracks2Ascii:

Tracks2Ascii -start “2017 07 09 00 00 00” -end “2017 07 09 23 59 59” -params Tracks2Ascii.te.params » stormsoutput20170709_above4km.txt

atmos/software/lrose/step-by-step_process.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/05 22:57 by