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This application brings out the main screen of TITAN-LROSE and shows the map of the project area and all the storm tracks from the native files. It works in pair with TimeHist communicating via a shared memory. Also generates the aircraft tracks.

Why Is It Important ?

A successful run of this application displays the primary TITAN-LROSE screen where the storm movements can be viewed and tracked. In a way running this application is like “turning on” the TITAN-LROSE software. No analysis can be done without running this application.

How To Run This Application ?

* This application can be run using the following command:

Rview -params ~/path/where/params/file/is/saved/Rview.params

Right after getting started the Rview screen will display data corresponding to the date mentioned in the params file. Left and right clicking on the Time tab will take the user backward and forward in time respectively.

Output Produced

The Rview window comes into display on the computer monitor along with five other windows.

Params File

The params file for this application is found here: N/A currently

atmos/software/lrose/rview.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/03 19:49 by