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Regenerating The Pre-existing Track Files Using A New Params File

This page talks about the steps involved in replicating the pre-existing storm track files using a brand new Titan params file.The Titan params file used for this purpose is a freshly generated params file. The parameters in this params file are modified to match those in the pre-existing params file and then run to generate a new set of track files. The contents of these newly generated track files are compared to the contents of the pre-existing track files using Tracks2Ascii.

Elements Used in the Process:

Data from storm with both complex and simple track numbers 15 occurring on 2017/07/09 at 19:51:27 are compared.

Application Used: Titan. A new params file is used. Run the following to generate the Titan params file.

Input Used in Titan params file: Gridded cartesian radar data in mdv format.

Output Produced by Titan application: A new set of storm track files in .th5 format. The contents of these new track files are compared to those of the pre-existing track files to see if they contain exactly the same information.

Generating The ASCII File Using Tracks2ASCII Application: The application Tracks2Ascii is used to extract the information present in both the pre-existing .th5 files and the new set of .th5 files out into respective .txt files in ASCII format. The information in the two sets of ASCII files are compared.

Description of the Process:

Generate the pre-existing track files: As pre-existing, already present.

Generate the ASCII file (set 1) from these pre-existing track files using the Tracks2Ascii application:

Generate the new Titan params file:

Generate a new set of track files using this new Titan params file:

Generate the ASCII file (set 2) for these new set of track files using Tracks2Ascii application:

Compare the set 1 ASCII files with the set 2 ASCII files.

atmos/software/lrose/regenerate_pre-existing_storm_track_files_using_new_params_file.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/03 02:59 by