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This application converts the cartesian radar data in Mdv format to files (also in Mdv format) containing Vil (Vertically Integrated Liquid Water Content) values. Without this conversion, one would not be able to view the Vil field on the Rview screen.

Why Is It Important ?

This application is used to obtain the Vil values of the storms being analyzed. If this application is not run, the Vil data files will not be generated. If that happens, the user would not be able to view the Vil field on the Rview screen. The message “Gridded Data Not Available” would be displayed on the Rview screen. The Vil values obtained can then be used to study the effects of storm seeding.

How To Run This Application ?

* This application is run from the command line using the following command:

Mdv2Vil -start "yyyy mm dd hh mm ss" -end "yyyy mm dd hh mm ss" -params ~/projDir.strathmore/path/of/params/file/Mdv2Vil.params

The input and output directories for this application should be specified in the params file.

Output Produced

Data files in Mdv format and containing the Vil values are produced in the output directory specified in the params file. A directory corresponding to a particular day is generated.

Params File

The params file for this application can be found here: mdv2vil.params

atmos/software/lrose/mdv2vil.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/03 21:05 by