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Create Exam using Questions from Previous Exam

  • Create Previous Exam Copy
    • Under “Course Management”, “Course Tools”, “Tests, Surveys, and Pools” find the previous exam.
    • Next to the exam, select the ^ symbol and select “Copy” to create a new test.
  • Update the Settings
    • Go to the “Exam” section of the class Blackboard site.
    • Select “Assessments” and “Test”
    • Select the new exam under “Add an Existing Test”
  • Remove Questions from previous exams.
    • Go to old exam and select 'Item Analysis“
    • Use the “Run” button to create analysis or view the 'Available Analysis'
    • Remove all questions with Difficulty of 100 %.
      • Select Exams in class section of Blackboard.
      • Use ^ and select 'Edit the Test'
      • Expand Question section using the & ensure all questions are deplayed, if not use the 'Show All' buttom
      • View the list of question by Difficulty in report.
      • Search exam using browser 'Find' option, File question to select and select it.
      • Delete selected questions
  • Issues:
    • There is no undo so if you remove questions or selection of questions you have to start over.
atmos/software/blackboard/home.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/24 16:26 by