Summer Coleman's Research Meeting Notes and Logs
November 22, 2024
- Idea - Find areas of liquid only, mixed phased and ice. Does the WISPER isotope ratio (heavy to normal (light)) related to the ratio of mass of ice (heavier isotopes) to mass of water?
- Issues
- Getting good water mass is probably simplest.
- Getting mass of ice is harder. We don't know density.
- Compare WISPER total mass to WCM total mass.
- Knowing the size of probes for mass, knowing density.
- Case Study, look January 15, 2023, February 13/14 MN flight.
- Importance - Related mass to radar and understand snow formation.
- Title - Distribution of Water and Ice Mass in Winter-storm using IMPACTS in-situ Data Analysis.
- Background - Look at Mass Dimensional relationships.
- See figure 4 in for discussion with mass-dimensional Relationships.
- Next Meeging Friday December 6
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/summercolemen.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/22 16:51 by delene