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Steven Sobus's Senior Project Meeting Notes

September 6, 2023 (4:30 pm CST)

Discussion Items


  • Look at BerghuijsEtAl 2014. for Review. Need to get paper, not easy.
  • Put together draft of comments on at least these papers.
  • Look for stream data.

September 27, 2023 (4:30 pm CST)


  • Plot similar to Indus River plot, for Grand Forks Red River.

October 4, 2023 (4:30 pm CST)

Discussion Items

  • When over doing some plotting in Excel.
  • Here for the next two week, then emails on Wednesday.


  • Revise plots.
    • Make same 7 years, plot.
    • Make all data times series plot.
    • See about how they “averaged” or “filtered” the data, see if can do the same things, which is a linear polynomial … with window size 3.

October 18, 2023 (4:30 pm CST)

Discussion Items

  • Discussed how to work on topic proposal.
    • Expand the paper review, in introduction section.
      • End introduction, a paragraph that state the objective
        • Objective is follow paper we found, but for Red River Valley.
      • Methods, give overview of the paper's methods.
        • Start with where you are getting river data from …
        • Where is there precipitation data …
      • Results,
        • Red River 7 year plot. Put in if you can.


  • Next Wednesday, end of day. Steve email draft of the topic proposal.

Not meeting next week. Gone. Talk with Dr. Zhang if you have questions. Email draft/version every Wednesday. I'll email comments back. Meet next Dec 6, to talk about slide show presentation for Dec 11.

atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/stevensobus.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/18 21:50 by