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Alberta Hall Suppression Project Research Meeting Notes
August 5, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert
- Calgary 2017 has 25 - Analyzed Seed Case. 24 - Non-Analyzed (All seeded)
- Cases last 40-50 minutes of 45 Max dBz, 40 Minutes 15 - cases,50 Minutes 12 - Cases
- Case Environment There are so many parameters to look at for Hail.
- Software Repository.
Meeting next week, again Same time.
August 19, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert
* Sankha show plots shear/cape plots for 2017. * Has all the text files, need to put in program. * CAPE, BRN, 0-4 shear. * Be care of what to use.
- Sankha:
- AMS Abstract.
- Make environment plots that include Max Vil, average VIL.
- Get plots for all 2017 cases.
Meeting next week, again Same time.
August 26, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert
- Sankha show three plots.
- Maybe use area under curve fit to VIL.
- Maybe average the rate of change VIL.
- Dan says Terry normalizes. Should try Terry method.
- Sankha:
- Need more plots - Use Area.
Meeting next week, again Same time.
September 2, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert.
- Calgary Issue - Reboot after meeting.
- Has two plots. Shear on X and Max VIL over Effective Seeding Period (20 Minute, till 20 minutes at end of seeding). Seed cases above 15.0 shear, Second plot - Average VIL for the Storm.
- 20 Days total for 2017.
- KE Flux - Look and see if good estimating hail.
- Again check out what Terry did for normalization. Do similar analysis, create plot.
- Use Area > 60 dbz. Plot this.
Meeting next week, again Same time.
September 16, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Dan Gibert.
- Plot - Add labels.
- VIL Different between two values
Tasks to Adjust Plots
- Different colors for each ASP with line.
- Remove points 20 minutes after the end of seeding effect.
- Add trend line after effect of seeding starts.
- Add axis and title labels.
- Normalized
- Dan, normalize by middle point or points (2-3).
- Normalize by max over all VIL.
- Normalize by max before seeding effect.
- Max VIL at largest 60 dbZ size.
- Averaging
- Right now, just one point.
- Run average of 2-6.
- Difference before seeding effect and the points (1-6) after seeding effect
- Filter Data
- Above 30 VIL,
- Above 70 VIL,
- All data. Indicate this filter different on plot title.
Will be in my Zoom Room after 2 pm on Friday.
September 23, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra
- Plot Modifications
Meeting next week, again Same time.
September 30, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert (Not attending).
- Looking at Plot - Change in VIL from two scans. Red is outside 100 km. This is just two points.
- Split plot into 4 plots for each type.
- Look at second derivate for time.
- Average more than one data point.
- Compute some averages.
Meeting next week, again Same time.
October 14, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (Not Attending), Dan Gibert
- Plot of second derivative.
- Sankha
- Program so points are correct.
- No line plots.
- Smooth out plots with average.
- Limit to 20 minutes after seeding for changes plots.
Meeting next week, again Same time.
October 21, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (Not Attending), Dan Gibert
- Interesting Plot - Need to calculate things using program, first derivate. Calculate the average and total number of points.
- Second plot, fix labels.
- Sankha
- Fix plots, I'll work with you.
- Plot data with filter by wind shear.
Meeting next week, again Same time.
October 29, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (Not Attending), Dan Gibert
- 15 Case example. Some interesting.
- Fixed things in code.
- Sankha - Do calculations for metrics.
- Sankha - Use an average.
Programming tomorrow and/or Friday.
Meeting next week, again same time.
November 4, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (Not Attending), Dan Gibert
- Couldn't get all plots. I can help.
- Discussed the plots. Need to keep making more plots.
- Need committee meeting this semester.
Meeting next week, again same time.
November 11, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert
- Look at some plots that have ratios.
November 18, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler
* Talked about Kyle using Titan on Calgary. * Has put USB drive in computer. * Calculated average. * Discussed more stuff.
* Discussed topic proposal.
David and Sankha meet next week.
November 25, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Dan Gilbert
- Discussed plots of VIL_70
- Talked about doing running average.
- Need to talk about topic proposal and writing up.
- Talk about slide.
- Work on getting stuff on Wiki page.
- Work on code for the 60 dbz area.
December 2, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Dan Gilbert
- Used all point outside 100 km.
December 9, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (No), Dan Gibert
* Got some code working for area derivative, but not easy to understand. Hence, talk about it next week.
Meet Next week at 4 pm.
December 9, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (No), Dan Gibert
* Talked about ASCE committee. * Go Over Plots. Some plots have different ranges.
- Values great >60.
- Title should be the case.
- What are the zero values mean?
- The Zeros should be missing vlaue codes
- Auto scale x Axis
- Don't use yellow
- Use both color and symbols.
- All seed but CAPE > 500. Only two cases so include all.
- Try things out.
- Even which average > 60 dbz exclude zeros. Check the difference.
Meet Wednesday - January 6, 2020 4 pm.
January 6, 2020
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler (via phone), Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert
- Bruce, commented again to have dates as titles. Please work on easy stuff and get that done, and don't keep working on things that are hard or not working.
- Use ratio in term, better to use math formulas.
- Define the formula first before showing plots.
- After discussion, talked about importance of missing value code.
Meet same time next week.
January 13, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler (via phone), Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert
- Setup meeting to discuss your thesis project with Kyle Pederson, Gretchen Mullendore, Andy Detwiler, David, Marwa Majdi, Sankha. Kyle/Gretchen really interested in knowing about your project since Kyle is doing something similar. Setup an online poll and have everyone complete, maybe Wednesday at 3 pm. Check my calendar.
Same time next week.
January 27, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (no), Dan Gibert
- Look at overall ratio data.
- Create plot of 4 data points, VIL, change in VIL, dbz60, change n dbz60. Do one plot for before effective seeding and one for during effective seeding. Do other plots filter by BRL (high and low).
- Andy gave comment on AMS poster.
February 10, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (no), Dan Gibert
- Discuss what sponsor needs. Talked about steps next.
- Talked about others doing similar research on Calgary data.
- Has histogram of time seeded after Titan Cells.
- Start writing stuff up.
Wed, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe (no), Dan Gibert (no)
- Have to figure out programming.
- April 28, WMA meeting.
- Need list of what has been done,
- Plot of the results of rate of VIL.
- List of Future Direction
Meet next week.
March 10, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler (yes), Bruce Boe (yes), Dan Gibert (yes)
- COVID vac. were schedule today.
- Maxvil Swath for C40S52 example, get ride of smoke trails, just trakes. Zoom out. Don't use BSP, ESP, and PSP, Use words, before seeding, seeding, post seeding.
- Where is the 60 dbZ maximum, around 3.8 to 5.0. Looked at three storms, Bruce think of high reflectivity at 6-8 km.
- Question about interpretation of metrics.
- Include final piece of including interpretation.
- dBZ reflectivity is different. Not an exact indicator.
- Work on report.
March 17, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler (yes), Bruce Boe (yes), Dan Gibert (yes)
- Zoom out on the figure.
- Go with C40S52, leave the aircraft tracks but not the smoke trails.
- Need to finish report.
March 31, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler (no), Bruce Boe (yes), Dan Gibert (yes)
- Talk about report.
- Move Methodology to an Appendix and add in to description at the start.
- Talking about Figure 1, Location of when seeding stopped. The orientation of the white line should be north/south.
April 8, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert.
* Went over edits. Make new version.
May 12, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Bruce Boe, Dan Gibert.
* Bruce - Has everything you need. * Send - Me Thesis stuff.
Meeting - No more with Dan and Bruce. Meet when we can.
David and Sankha - Meet next week.
May 19, 2021
Attending: David Delene, Sankha Maitra, Andy Detwiler, Kyle Pederson
* Discussed Alberta Project In General. * Sankha gave overview of the project via existing slides.
- Need to fix Map of the Project Area.
- Shouldn't use 'studied', it is Analysis.
- Should define ASP using dBZ and not just within the 100 km ring.
- Need slide to illustrate what “review” has done using titan display of radar data and flight tracks.