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Michael Willette Research Meeting Notes

July 30, 2020

Attending: David Delene, Ryan Kucera


Michael Willette Thesis

Long Term:


1.) Reformatting Kyle's paper.
2.) Send Document for Icing Tunnel stuff.  Talk CAV system tomorrow, 2 CST.
3.) Getting Fog data.

July 22, 2020


  • Fog data from Grand Forks airport. How is that coming alone. Can you send me data.
  • Will email.
  • Have meeting with CAV system.
  • Demonstrated radar images.
  • Send Kyle.

August 8, 2020

Attending: Michael_Willette, David Delene

* When over CVI_HR-ToF-AMS instrument, and expertment. * Send code and got data. * Up on Wednesday.


Meeting next week.

August 20, 2020

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


* Michael is interested lab work. * Possibility of Sunday Afternoon - 1-5 AuguMajdist 3 ==== Tasks ====0. * Wednesday 6-7 - Python Training * Create Repository and put code. * Meet Monday at 6 pm, CPC cleaning. * Thursday - Zoom * Next Sunday 1-5 for Lab stuff.

August 27, 2020

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


* Classes started, going well. * Need Thesis Committee - Maybe /nas/home/delene/papers/blogs/FogGrandForks_20190327/IMet-XQ_2019-03-27_09-40-40.pnghave Marwa Majdi. The other members, Andrew Detwiler (Flare Analysis) or Mike Poellot (Operations). * From Andy - Flare articles - JWM, Vol 2, 1970 has a bunch of articles by Pierre St. Amand and his group, including Bill Finnegan, on pyrotechnic seeding flares. They discuss composition of the flares and conjecture about what is produced by burning them. This was oItemsne of the early volumes scanned by Don Duckering that you cannot search as text. You have to download the whole volume as one chunk and search it by eye. There are additional articles by this same group in Vol 3, 1971. There is one additional article that might be useful in the JWM 1989 volume. The article by Deng and Finnegan is “An Efficient, Fast Functioning Nucleating Agent – AgI'AgCl-4NaCl”. Finnegan helped ICE develop flares that would make these AgI – NaCl complexes. I know you can’t get compounds exactly by mass spectrometer, but you can look at ratios of elements to see if they are consistent with certain mixtures of compounds or complexes. * Lab Work - Sunday 11 - 5 pm (Cleaning instruments). Meet this week. * Computer Access - Aitken Account (already have). You can use Windows 10 computer in Clifford Hall 423 (West Wall, south side). Asked for admin access.


Zoom Next Week at 4 p.m.

September 3, 2020

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene

October 8, 2020 (Thursday)

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Tethered Balloon - See Pictures
  • Michael has Picture with Calibration Sphere on at 8:25, with 6 flags.
  • Nick Gapp has picture at 8:32 that does not appear to have calibration sphere, with 9 flags.
  • David Delene picture at 8:38 and Michael Willette has Picture at 8:40, which out Calibration Sphere.
  • The data data is available on radar1 at /usr/iris_data/product_raw. The data will be UND201004*
  • Put on and in /nas/und/Florida/2019/Radar/projDir.northpol/raw/iris_data/product_raw


  • Michael
    • Email Alex about latest status. See they have plans UAS flight this fall, next spring.
    • Work on slide for AMS lab setup.
    • Try to convert IRIS Tethered Balloon data from October 4, 2020 to Net-CDF and MDV formats using the LROSE scripts. Look at LRose Wiki page.

Next week, no CAV System meeting, they are doing lab work so meet again just us.

Interesting review


  • Talk about committee members, Marwa. Another member could Mike, Aaron, Hallie.
  • August Flare Testing work/research. Thesis question - What is the size and chemistry of hygroscopic particles and this this compare to ambient aerosols. Larger Pictures - How does the size/chemistry difference affect fog/cloud microphysics.
  • Alex - Nothing really new.
  • Have a version of Kurt's diameter that works.

Next week, CAV System meeting next.

November 19, 2020 (Thursday)

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Talked about committee form and program of study. Take 9 credit next semester, with 3 research credit from me.
  • Going turn off lab instrument if you leave. Put data on /nas drive. Put under North Dakota like flare testing.


  • Michael - Submit committee, including CV from Marwa this week.

Meet in two weeks at 2 pm. Not in lab on Sunday but would the following Sunday.

January 14, 2021 (Thursday) 4:30

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


Talked about committee, will have to up, Michelle.

  • Start writing topic. Conditions where UAS could conduct cloud seeding of fog. Look at from seeding material side, and look at from fog occurrence side (conditions).
  • Update from WMI. No approvals. Met Trailer deployment Feb 1 - Spring. Drone measurements second half of Feb.


  • Look at papers on fog formation in North Dakota.
  • Look at papers, what difference between light and heavy fog.
  • For plots, look temperature as function of day. Plot air temperature for days with fog, put 0 on x-axis (time) to be at sunrise (+/- 6 hour).
  • Get Sonic Wind data into the New CHORDS system, both real-time and past data.

Same time next week, 4:30.

January 28, 2021 (Thursday) 4:30

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Will be in lab on Sunday, 11-5. Need pictures of CAV System project.
  • Plan to come work on MetTrailer on Tuesday.
  • Looked at some of the CHORDS stuff.
  • Keep working on Topic proposal.
  • Can use department car for Fog field project, emailed Wanda.
  • Bring out visibility sensor.
  • Work on plots.

February 4, 2021 (Thursday) 4:00

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Talk about getting new monitors working. Check on charging resolution. Could get display port video card.
  • Got the visibility sensor wor/nas/home/delene/papers/blogs/FogGrandForks_20190327/IMet-XQ_2019-03-27_09-40-40.pngking.


  • Need to get things working in CHORDS. Michael will work on the Post Sonic Winds Data.
  • Get Teamviewer working on your systems.
  • Make drawing of the instrument on Met Trailer.
  • Make Google Sheet for password sharing.

February 11, 2021 (Thursday) 4:00

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Topic Proposal, Should get AMS software. Work on background aerosol.
  • Working on Met Trailer drawing. Can review.


  • Get new computer setup.

February 18, 2021 (Thursday) 4:00

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Come out tomorrow, work on Met Trailer.
  • Diagram for Met Trailer, we can look at tomorrow.
  • Has time to learn about 3D-printer.

Meet next week at this time.

Thursday March 18, 2021 (Thursday) 11:00 am

Attending: Michael Willette, Dav/nas/home/delene/papers/blogs/FogGrandForks_20190327/IMet-XQ_2019-03-27_09-40-40.pngid Delene


* Need North Dakota Fog. Need, to look at plots. Slides in presentation tool. What definition of Fog used data set (slide). * Have computer now to work on. /nas/home/delene/papers/blogs/FogGrandForks_20190327/IMet-XQ_2019-03-27_09-40-40.png

Thursday March 25, 2021 (Thursday) 2:30 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Think CAV system in May 17.
  • Setting up / Testing instrume/nas/home/delene/papers/blogs/FogGrandForks_20190327/IMet-XQ_2019-03-27_09-40-40.pngnt and Boxes.
  • What the climatology like for Fog in spring.
    • What - python imshow. Make discrete. Make 0-1 as White.
    • Histogram for Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar. - Hour x-axis.
    • Change, year x-axis, number of fog/mist from Oct 1 - April 30.
    • Limit just Oct 1- April 1. Plot duration.
  • Come up with Thesis.
  • Work on more plots.

Meet next week at same 11 am.

Thursday April 8, 2021 (Thursday) 2:30 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • New Overseas project, possible.
  • Fog Plots, need to adjust color bar. James Town (JMS), Fargo (FAR), GFK, ARDR (Airforce)
    • All location agree pretty well.


  • Map with airport locations, Put lat/long lines.
  • Use of repositories. Create Source Project for yourself.

Meet next week at same 11 am, will be in lab on Sunday.

Thursday April 15, 2021 (Thursday) 11:00 am

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Talk about task for Grafana site.
  • Topic Proposal - What is the potential to dissipate fog using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technology? Would be useful at airports.
    • Meteorological Issue (Observations, historical).
      • Talk live cycle of fog.
    • Technological/regulatory.
    • Try to Thesis Outline, Focus on Methodology.


  • Grafana - Number Concentration from visibility. Look at paper I send.
  • Get out by week to go over.

Meet next week at 11. Work on icing tunnel setup on Sunday. Need to work on Balloon also.

Thursday April 29, 2021 (Thursday) 1:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • WRF running worked Calgary. Only had to get stuff installed. March 2, 2018. Top of the fog.
  • Asked about Grafana site, LWC/MDV stuff.
  • Asked about international project, nothing new. Will try to find out.


  • Send example of good Thesis.

Thursday May 6, 2021 (Thursday) 11:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • CAV System icing work may be June 14 instead of May 24 week.
  • Will go to Fargo Career Fair next Friday.
  • Besides three weeks at end of June, pretty open.
  • Topic proposal finish.
  • Work on Grafana site, how about analysis stuff.
  • Project, fog high was 200 m simulation. Could do run for March 2021.

Talk tomorrow and meet next week.

Thursday June 3, 2021 (Thursday) 11:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Icing==== Thursday June 3, 2021 (Thursday) 11:00 pm ====

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene Tunnel work.

  • Ballooning - Training July 7-9. Will work. Back Thursday or so.


  • Visibility - Get visibility from LWC and MVD for the icing tunnel test. To start with use 0.1 g/m^3 and MVD 16 um, 0.1 g/m^3 and MVD 28 um, 0.3 g/m^3 and MVD 28 um.
  • Process RICE data from icing test on May 28.

Meet next week at 11 am CST.

Tasks Matrix

Description Due Date User Eval. Super Eval.
Visibility for Tunnel Conditions 2021/06/09
Rice Icing Test Processing 2021/06/06

Tuesday August 24, 2021 4:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Mini-sonda
    • Mini-sondas are all set for launches.
  • WMI Drone.


  • David
    • Take care of emailing/seeing about the 4 Sondas that don't work, which are 6019, 6022, 6023, 6024.
  • Michael
    • Take care of getting battery cables for Mini-sondas.
    • Add Backpack and Tool box inventory to Mini-Sonda Wiki page.
    • Do analysis of Mini-sonda July 2021 flight, comparison with radiosondas.
    • Write python acquisition code for Imet XQ2 instrument for Raspberry Pi 4. Email Mike about getting the Imet XQ2 that he has in office.

Friday January 27, 2023 9:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • IMPACTS, Going out next week Feb 1 - 17.
    • Download data. Once it sync, Aaron B. and Marwa that is available.
    • Try to move laptop to ESPO, instead NASA. See if Anydesk on ESPO network.
    • I have a cell camera holder and zoom lens. Take some picture of the the WCM sampling wires.
  • Tripod - Ready for Alexa. Get back end of February, hopefully.
  • Camera Box Unit - David B. is working.
  • Raspberry Pi - 4 G stick. I get the stick. Have to get activated for drone.
  • Look at abstract for Graduate School Poster.

Friday February 03, 2023 12:00

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene

  • Talked about the Saudi project.
  • Talked about I-corp, yes.
  • How are things going for IMPACTS.
  • Talked about UAS, order LTE UAS stick. Will try to use MetTrailer simm for this.
  • Went over abstract. Talk about poster next week.

Friday February 10, 2023 9:00 am

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • More picture of water on the WCM.

Thursday September 7, 2023 9:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Have dates for Fall IOP.
  • Looked at time series of yearly fog occurrences.
    • Look at up and down in November December to see if an issue with data.
    • Larger fonts.
    • Don't use just color to show differences in plots.
  • Send stuff by end of day on Friday. Let know look at.
  • Look at Saudi 2023 CIP 25 um data.

Friday March 31, 2024 2:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • Paper - Reduce 10 figure, single space.


  • Formatted as JWM paper.

Meet next week at 3 pm Friday.

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:00 pm

Attending: Michael Willette, David Delene


  • David Delene is going to ICCP meeting in July.
  • Michael new job. Will end at end of June. One skill, Future project Raspberry Pi.
  • Paper - Send latest Word version paper, Michael and me. I will reformat and take lead on submitting.


  • Send me latest version before/on July 5.
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/michaelwillette.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 19:59 by delene