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Kendra Sand's Thesis Research Meeting Notes

May 26, 2022 (10 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Have template for Topic Proposal / Thesis.
    • I can put if you share.
  • Kendra processed the 2020/02/07 data, good with this data.
  • David will work on 20200201_060849 automatic processing.
  • MMRS Data, not finding zdr products. Emailed Lee to ask about getting this data.

Next Meeting, same time next week.

May 12, 2022 (10 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Research - Been doing SODA2 on 2020, but HVPS processing now automatic for both HVPS3.

May 19, 2022 (10:30 am CST)

  • Talked about MRMS radar data.
  • How do they measure the charge on the aircraft? Is not the charge between concentration between number of particles and electric change on air plane. How long been in the cloud.

July 14, 2022 (10:15 am CST)

  • Thesis (Christian/Logan)
  • Andy D. process via Spec code. Need write code to convert, don't have it.
  • Andy has some SPEC code process files using aOAPView code to create index files, see /nas/und/NorthEast/2022/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/FlightData/20220208_1/Hawkeye-2DS_Data/Hawkeye-2DS_Processed_Data/O_220208140226_3V50-10
    • To plot use “cplot2 -c 220208140226_3V50-10_index.csv”


  • David needs to look at it.

September 7, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


Reviewed topic proposal last week.


* Almost done with topic proposal. Maybe committee meeting week of September 26. * Linkage CPI coding and scripts. Kendra will work on.

Talk next weeks same time.

September 14, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


Kendra sent out a new version of topic proposal.


* Can meeting next week, Hail Workshop, meeting in two weeks. * Talked about topic proposal, good, need a few more sentence relevance. * Have committee to approve topic proposal.

September 28, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


Need to get topic proposal approved.


* May have work trip, need to figure out committee meeting time. * Send topic proposal to Mike. * Upload IMPACTS due. Add in missing valve code. * Talked about the IMPACT upload.

Meet next week at same time.

October 6, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


  • Setup committee meeting. Work on slide presentation.

Meet next week on Wednesday.

October 12, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


  • Talked about IMPACTS 2023.
  • Talked about 2D-S figure.
  • Mike Poellot just sent email, will look at by weekend.
  • Committee Meeting (Try 2 Nov).
  • Talked about MetTrailer.

October 19, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


  • Went over Mike's Thesis comments.
  • Talked about committee meeting on November 2, need before November 16.
  • Talked about 3D view of 2D-S images. Went over draft.

Meet next week.

October 26, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


  • Talked IMPACTS
  • Have presentation to look at next week.
  • Committee Meeting November 9.
  • No papers on P-3 charging. Emailed Andy to see if he has any.
  • Try to answer question of how to find more vertical orientated cases. Good question for background.

Meet next week. Talk about the presentation.

November 2, 2022 (10:00 am CST)

  • Nothing about committee meeting yet.
  • Talk about papers.
  • Review committee presentation.

November 11, 2022 (11:00 am CST)

  • David had issue getting Zoom stated.
  • Kendra - Presentation of topic proposal.


  • David - Why is there alignment in both views?
  • Tony - Lot of stuff. Two aircraft, time versus position. Get position between the aircraft.
  • Tony - Statistical analysis. What is the conference in the relationship. How does it align with test with theory. Statically analysis in the atmospheric sciences. Need some statistical analysis.
    • How about subsetting for aspect ratio and then look at orientation.
  • David - Origination of images.
  • Tony - look at aspect ratio for horizontal and vertical.
  • Mike - How long do electric field last.
  • Kendra - One example, of seeing repeating electric field in similar area.
  • Mike - 996 credit, stay active. Avoid issues.
  • Tony - Try, but if too difficult cut it out.
  • Mike - Keep up the progress.
  • Tony - Effort, difficult to get distance between the aircraft.

November 16, 2022 (11:00 am CST)


  • Talked about IMPACTS status.
  • Get the Topic proposal form completed.
  • Topical Proposal Presentation
    • Stats - Tony
      • Need some number.
      • Need data. We have area ratios, but we aspect ratios,
  • Working on modification of scripts_python/
  • Meet in two weeks.

December 21, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


  • Code HVPS3 working last week.
  • Christian Nairy AGU conference ER-2 founds area. They have area of low depolarization.
  • Wednesday 10 CST Meeting for the future.
  • Send Mike a text to sign again topic proposal.
  • Tested for 2DS_H using -v 02072020_134955_2DS_H.pbp.
  • Tony had talked about statistics.
    • Subset data based on aspect ratio, < 0.5 first.
    • Feb 7 you have an area of preferred angle. Look at the data, and figure out what stands out.

December 28, 2022 (10:00 am CST)


  • Sent text to Tony to sign form.

January 18, 2023 (10:00 am CST)


  • Meeting last week with Jie Gong.
  • Send email about Feb 7, 2020, time of interest, altitude and center position of P3.
  • Jie was seeing difference between convective cores and stratus region.
  • Jie's measurements have 1×4 km horizontal and some resolution in the vertical.
  • Update on IMPACTS.
  • Send email to Christian Nairy about LIP converter. Kendra is working on code.
  • Subset the pbp SPEC data files by time intervals.
  • Can also subset by the aspect ratio range.
  • Kendra can run the code.
  • Send me write-up, weekly.

January 25, 2023 (10:00 am CST)


  • LIP Data Script is coming along. Check Excel and Code to same answer.
  • Check LIP people for the last IMPACTS flights, some interesting results.
  • Feb 7, 2020 cases, only case.
  • Should write script to calculate distance between ER-2 and P-3.
  • Meet next.

February 01, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • Have ER-Nav data on aircraft for 2020.
  • Started to read ER-2 data.

February 15, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • Update on IMPACTS 02/14.
  • Demonstrated how to do subset.
  • Need to fix the pbp data for 2020/02/17, rerun all the process for that day.

February 23, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • Paper - Seems is done now. Likely can't graduate for next term.
  • Writing - Putting stuff together.
  • Class - Field Project, Check lists, data quality control, data quality assurance. Preliminary analysis. Talk to Aaron.
  • Plots - Look at 0.1 to 0.45 aspect ratio. Maybe a peak at 0.2 and 0.3 aspect ratio. Look at org. ratio for the 0.3 and 0.2.
    • Why org. peaks at -90 and + 90 and maybe 0. We need a null case.
  • We need to know how to get images with 0.3 aspect ratio.

March 8, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • 2D-S Probe vertical/horizontal confirmation.
    • Found HVPS3A_Canister_FrontOutsideWide.jpeg that show the inside to both HVPS3 canister.
    • Search the aspect ratio where one channel is large ~ 0.8 and the other channel is small like 0.3.
  • Try to get individual 2D-S images, SODA or SPEC software.
  • Meet next week.

March 17, 2023 (11:00 am CST)

  • Trying out new camera.
  • Trying to figure out v/h, know one knows. Pretty sure right this year.
    • Assume they are right, until an issues.
  • Look at dendrite, look at January 15 flight.
  • Zoom in on case.
  • /nas/software/SPEC/SPEC_OAP/OAPview_20221003 Location of new SPEC OAP software. Need to make script to compile and run.

March 23, 2023 (11:00 am CST)

  • Worked on new ADPAA module linkage_OAPview.

April 19, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • Looks like Aircraft is working. Kendra will check on it.
  • June 29, 2023 Thesis Talk.

April 28, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • OAPview is working for Kendra.

May 17, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • Talked about how to get more focus, keep going.
  • Make plot of the orient angle.
  • Jan 15, 2023 60,780 - 60959. 0.0 to 0.4 Aspect Ratio, plot of Orient_angle.
    • Nice to have comparison blow without a lot preferred angles.


  • Fix up plots, number of bins, x and y range.
  • Find place without orientation, null case.
  • Something to describe when orientation angle.
  • Look at particle-by-particle data to see what i has.
  • Look at 30 second period instead of 3 minutes.


  • Thursday 10 am next week.

May 24, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • 32 angle from the vertical.
  • Help with figuring out orientation angle.
  • Looked at SODA Manual (MANUAL.pdf) and, determine y-axis is with the flow. Believe we figured out how angle in example particles is -32 degrees.


  • Make figure of orientation angle definition to show Aaron.
  • Look for period without orientation, make plots.

May 31, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • Found lots orientation on Jan 15, 2023 case. Maybe related to electric fields.
  • Look null on Feb 7, 2020.


  • Make figure of orientation angle definition to show Aaron.
  • Feb 7, 2020 null orientation.
  • David - Provide comments on writing.

June 7, 2023 (10:00 am CST)


  • Look for null cases. Nothing on January 15, 2023, looking at Feb 7, 2020.
  • Has 3 minute on Feb 7 plots.
  • Think about statistical parameter that indicates non-randomness of data.
  • Figure to explain the rotation angle.
  • Looked 7 flights, for null case, not. Table to talk about how low < 0.6 aspect ratio data.


  • Look for randomness statistic.
  • Figure to explain the rotation angle.
  • Table of flight you looked at with how < 0.6 aspect ratio data.
  • Work Introduction section. Write stuff.

June 14, 2023 (10:00 am CST)


  • Send Orientation Angle figure and I'll send to Aaron for comment.
  • Send template would be good.

June 21, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • David just sent email about orientation to Aaron.
  • Kendra is concern that it is in canister different in 2020.
  • David - If the particle is on 'All-in', do you still get an orientation angle.
  • Feed-back - Two, presentation and Thesis. I'm thinking your at 50% for presentation and 20-25 % Thesis.


  • Look at the particle-by-particle data to determine answer to 'All-in' Question.
  • Total number in histogram, percent of total number of particle.
  • Look at the 10-30 second histogram from 2020 case for both high and low concentrations and compare.

June 28, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • Discussed the type of pylon for IMPACT, Extended pylon but added an additional flow items under wing in 2022/2023.
  • There is not 'all-in' rejection of particles when plotting the data.


  • Working on a table of cases.
  • Will look low and high concentration cases.
  • Need to focus on diagram, use x, y, z axis and put in to images.

July 5, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

  • 2D-S Diagram.
    • Top view of aircraft.
    • 2D-S Horizontal, use square pixels (red). Larger fonts for x/y/z.
    • Define the view given.
  • Talk later.

August 9, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items Talked, will meet next week.

August 16, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

* Discuss weather. * Showed images with all in, which removed all -90 and +90.

David Tasks

* Really need imagedump of individual particles, with time, interval time, labels. Make adpaa_imagedump, fork soda2_imagedump. Subset with time is necessary.

Kendra Tasks

* Eliminate the zero org. particles, Try sub-setting above 0.05, 0.075, try larger 300 um, 400 um. * 10 or 30 second time period of interest to look at all particles.

August 23, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

* Trying to figure out what zero degree origination angle. * Looked at one examples of end of buffer issues, 61771.93 sfm on Feb 2, 2020 end and start of next.

September 13, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Please send section that are complete.
  • Ask about week, November 20/21, or November 27/28. Do remotely. Plan to remote.
  • Talked about teaching.
  • Let you know about next.

Tasks Items

  • David - Review Appendix B.
  • Kendra - Work on this.

September 27, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Talked about jobs.
  • Talk about Thesis.
    • Looked at subset figures and images.
  • Good figures.
  • Send some stuff to read.

October 4, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Put SODA orientation description in methods section.
  • Talk about what goes in the methodology and what is in the data.
  • Go over the case selection methodology but only give cases in Results section.
  • Send everything but ask to look at certain things.


  • Send new version.
  • Committee meeting.
  • Defense date.
  • Meet next week.

October 11, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Discussed if UND King probe have a 0.5 adjustment for LWC?
    • Remember talking about it but don't know what was there.
  • Sent Thesis to review.
  • Aircraft server is back up.
  • Discussed defense dates. Looking like Friday December 1 at 1 or 2 pm CST.
  • Give parts of the Thesis Jared if possible.
  • Spring field, UND. March 1 - April 15.

Talk next week, say time, 10 am.

October 18, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Tables use number of digits that represent how well the value is known.
  • Talk using aspect ratio to determine habit.


  • Send be some write-up before Sunday.
  • No meeting next week, meet in two weeks.

November 1, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Have new version of Thesis.
  • Having direction of particle, is better than direction of flight.
  • Good figures. Write up things.

Meet next week.

December 6, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • David needs to look all the figures.
  • Kendra new version Chapter 2 and 3.
  • Meet next week.

December 20, 2023 (10:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Gave some comments.
  • Talked about options, talk about finishing.
  • Meeting, next weeks.

August 29, 2024 (9:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • When to meet, will send invite.
  • Doing Navy now.
  • Will send me after read over.
    • Will add a little more to one section. Airdynamic flow may be responsible. Compare to straight and level flight, same particle orientation, should change.
    • Check that cloud properties are similar, concentration and type crystal.
    • Aaron Update, now has images, within particle-by-particle file.
    • James added pbp_viewer to view the particle.

September 4, 2024 (9:00 am CST)

  • Been processing some more data from when aircraft is doing different types of flights.
    • Straight and level, not much different than turning.
    • Have lots of plates.
    • Have size and type (plates), particle size distribution.
  • Kendra is sending me Thesis to comment on, overview of what is left.
  • Writing - looking at later chatterers, especially the figures.

September 12, 2024 (2:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Finished particle distributions plots.
  • Possible defense November 15 at 1 pm CT.
  • Banks do not change distribution; however, altitude (speed) does change distribution.

Tasks Items

  • David - Read Thesis

September 16, 2024 (2:00 am CST)

Discussion Items

  • Reading draft.
  • Confirm November 15 date with Mike and Jared.
  • Talked about how to review paper.
  • JTWC - Joint Typhoon Warning Center


  • Get Kendra comments
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/kendrasand.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 18:34 by delene