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Jen Moore's Thesis Research Meeting Notes
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- Summer 2022 - Meeting Typically Tuesday at 2 pm CST.
May 24, 2022
- Talked about Independent Studies in Fall, AtSc594 Section 2.
- Send latest version of Topic Proposal by end of week
- Working on paperwork, committee form. assessment form, and Summer travel.
- Working on WCM300 code.
March 28, 2022
David Had zoom connection issues.
Discussion Items
Jen - Looking for papers on WCM. David - Suggested checking the code, also check SEA Web site. If not, I will an email to Lyle at SEA. David - Check out the Teaching section of my Website to look for examples. IMPACTS Packages - Shipping, Setup to get racks in lab. Send CDP to DMT. David - Send email to Matt to see about space.
Meeting on Zoom next Monday.
May 18, 2023
Discussion Items
* Annual review is completed. * Requested Wanda order a 82 inch high rack to equipment. * Talked about using subset to get only below zero data. * Talked a little about IMPACTS processing. * December 16, 2022 and January 25, 2023 likely has > 0 cloud data.
* Jen
- Add usage example from IMPACTS to subset Wiki
- Send Lee email with some new flights, still have 3 flight to get working.
- Get warm time periods on December 16, 2022 and January 25, 2023. Make plot of time series (x-axis) with King, CDP, WCM LWC.
- Jen
- Issue getting on SourceForge Wiki.
- Sent Lee email, still have some December flights to get working.
- Completed both, December 16 seems to look better.
May 25, 2023
Discussion Items
- Discussed plots to make.
- Sourceforge Wiki Created new Sourceforge account for JenniferMoore3 since could not delete or change password on old account.
- Make 5 plots similar to December 12, 2022 Science report for segment on December 16. If there is time, put into Document with figure caption.
June 1, 2023
Discussion Items
- Looked at time period on December 16, 2022. Warm cloud time period, 12:51:08 12:51:42 UTC.
- Looks like some in and out periods.
- Need higher time resolution plots.
- Need to look at 2D-S to confirm water.
- See if the fall off out of cloud is similar for WCM between 12 and 16.
- Figure out time lag of the King, CDP, and WCM.
Met next week, talk tomorrow about programming and/or Monday.
June 22, 2023
- Offset (For each probe, for example King).
- What is being applied in term of the definition of cloud concentration. Need to know probe and the concentration.
- What is the duration for clear air.
- Need higher time resolution plots. Use mergefield to create from the *raw files.
- Would allow for time lag to be determined.
June 29, 2023
July 28, 2023
- Talked about WCM raw data processing code. Found error, Jen will work on code.
- Talked about Thesis writing. When have need comments.
- Will work on do quality assurance.
September 27, 2023
- Thesis Comments.
- Went over chapter one. Equations, discussion of the equations as an object instead of a process.
- Discussed formatting figures, tables and equations.
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/jenmoore.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/27 14:58 by