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James Klinman's Thesis Research Meeting Notes
October 3, 2023
- Form Thesis Committee, maybe Jake as member with David Delene and Andy Detwiler.
- Update Topic proposal, get done and sent out this week.
- Working on updating script for converting aircraft data to ADPAA format to work on 2000 data set.
Next meeting Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
October 10, 2023
- Discussed classes, no Measurement System and No Radar.
- Topic proposal revised. Need committee review topic.
- Try 12 CT on Friday for meeting.
- Working on Flight 757, which is June 22, 2000.
- Did before June 22, 1995, Flight 668.
- High concentration, overloaded the computer. No HVPS, use Hail Spec.
- My travel update. Best time for meeting is probably 10 am CST, 7 pm KSA, there is time change.
- Keep looking at data for quality assurance.
- David - Review Topic proposal.
- James - Get third person on committee.
- James - Do training.
- James - Work on software (convert), backup software.
Next meeting 2 pm Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (No Andy next week).
May 14, 2024
- Spectrum discussion. Uses time interval of 5 seconds (GNU), Aaron uses a correction, which is 1.1. Now the *.txt file from SODA Hail Spectrometer agrees with the *.dat counts file data exacted with ADPAA. The *Disp is 1-D counts and _SODA is the 2-d.
- Names should be HVPS-2D, HAIL-1D, HAIL-2D.
- Next meeting with Colorado is 5/21/2024 at 11 AM, no 9 am.
- James - Use names HVPS-2D, HAIL-1D, and HAIL-2D.
- James - Add HAIL-1D counting statistics uncertainty, see Shawn Wagner's 2023 paper (David's Website).
- James - Get HVPS processing to match, which should be similar to HAIL Spectrum..
- James - Make plots/tables for each 5 sections for different time segments, where we have radar data.
- David/Andy - Annual report.
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/jamesklinman.1715697992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/14 14:46 by