Table of Contents
Erin Doyle Senior Project
September 16, 2020 5 pm
Attending: Erin Doyle and David Delene
- Book about Western Water Right.
- Need to get official report on the Wyoming project.
- How much is annual snow comes from where.
- I would some type of data analysis, stream flow data.
- Impact of Weather Modification: Currently what is done, what is possible.
- Erin
- Working Background.
- Stream Gauge Flow from Colorado River over long time period, like starting from 1880 to present. Yearly average or April Monthly average stream flow at one one of the year. Season plot of data. Look at the National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Look for some long term snowfall or snow depth measurement. Why is difficult.
- David
- Send title of book about Western Water Rights.
- See about getting report.
September 23, 2020 5 pm
Attending: Erin Doyle and David Delene
- Book - Science Be Dammed, How Ignoring Inconvenient Science Drained the Colorado River by Eric Kuhn and John Fleck.
- I emailed Julie Gondzar about Wyoming Modification Pilot Project.
- Erin
- Check out Meko, D.M., Woodhouse, C.A., Baisan, C.A., Knight, T., Lukas, J.J., Hughes, M.K., and Salzer, M.W. 2007. Medieval Drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L10705.
- Figure out what a Billion Cubic Meter or Million acre-ft is like? Compare to what (rain) comes out of a Large Thunderstorm.
- How much is the stream flow in Grand Forks (get stream flow for Grand Forks data.)
September 30, 2020 5 pm
Attending: Erin Doyle and David Delene
- Got some data from USGS. Make seasonal plots of monthly data.
- No reply on email about Wyoming Program. Give another week and see about maybe someone.
- Discussed some the thesis statement refinement.
- Suggest look at April stream flow for snow pack run off.
Meet Next week.
October 21, 2020 5 pm
Attending: Erin Doyle and David Delene
- What about not knowing everything for method.
- Put in what you can, more the better. Don't worry too much about having to change it.
- About bio: Do you want everything summarized or just what is import to your research project.
- My opinion is that I would more of just what important to the project.
- Maybe nice to put in one sentence that generally summarizes.
Meet next week same time.
November 3, 2020 Tuesday 5 pm
- Discuss comments.
- Think about how additional water could help groups.
Meet next week same time.
November 11, 2020 Wednesday 5 pm
- Discuss plots, examples from UAE.
Meet next week same time.
December 9, 2020 Wednesday 5 pm
* Senior project permission number. Looked up and provided.
- Talked about getting the intern-report version right, will send another copy.
- Need presentation, look guide,
December 14, 2020 Monday 4 pm
- Discuss presentation slides for Wednesday's presentation.
- Have 3-5 minutes
- Suggested adding a map. Split up figures in last slide.
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/erindoyle.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/14 22:32 by