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Drew Fitzgerald Research Meeting Notes
August 25, 2020 2 pm
Attending: David Delene, Drew Fitzgerald
- Logging Hours - Email to Sue.
- Discussed about getting Duo Setup.
- How to access. Need to access the Aircraft server where the data is.
- Drew
- Setup Google Calendar with schedule, share with
- Update VPN Wiki page
- Work with CapeEx19 GoPro video data.
- Look at Remote Access page and see if you can get Putty working to access Then work on getting VNC access to Aircraft. Then work on remote desktop to Windows computers in 422.
- David
- Request Airborne access to Aircraft server.
Meet next, Tuesday at 2 pm.
September 1, 2020 2 pm
Attending: David Delene, Drew Fitzgerald
- Sent me Google Calendar invite.
- Got VPN working, need to get ssh (Putty). Add “” as example and accept cache. Able to get into Nuclei.
- Drew
- Look at Data Processing Guide, make a “Working Remotely” Guide. Define “What to use and Why to use it” but not How to user it. It an overview.
- Read my “Programming Guide”
- CapeEx19 GoPro video data is located at /nas/und/Florida/2019/Aircraft/CitationII_N555DS/GoPro
- Set-up a VNC Software
September 15, 2020 2 pm
Attending: David Delene, Drew Fitzgerald
- Python - Have some background. (Could do Tuesday/Thursday at 6-7).
- Time Sheet. Sent to Sue.
- Got software to down image. Have local copies. Found program to put time stamp on image automatically. Check on software.
- Drew
- Continue to check out software, GoPro software.
- Make Wiki page about CapeEx19 Video, link to any video software and include information about type of video on each day. Page started at]]
- Work on Getting VNC to work, update
Meet next week, same time.
September 29, 2020 2 pm
- Can make it to python workshop.
- Video/Picture - Got Picture and one Video. Put
- Drew
- Put on Wiki, List of program used for the GoPro and if any reason.
- Make on Wiki, a table flight / Instrument Availability Summary. Flight Date vertical, instrument, for example GoPro horizontal. Instruments to include CAPS, CDP, CIP,CPC, GoPro, Icing, King, Nev., PHIPS, PIP, TDL.
- Please, please do you SafeColleges Training, which is past due. Sent email to remind.
October 6, 2020 2 pm
Attending: Drew and David
- Will do training tomorrow.
- GoPro Data - Looks like we have all days except July 29, 2019 for some reason.
- Drew
- Keep working on same stuff.
Meet next week same time.
October 13, 2020 2 pm
Attending: Drew and David
- Finished with video, need to upload. Maybe file permission problem. Try ls -l * in the directory to see permission. chmod to change, for example chmod 775 directory_name. Check out umask setting, see Wiki, make change. The videos and just images put together. Need to upload.
- Drew
- Make Wiki page on how to / how did process video.
- Make Wiki page with table for availability of data.
Meet next week same time.
October 27, 2020 2 pm
Attending: Drew, Lucas Castro, and David Delene
- Discussed VNC setup.
- Drew - Get VNC
November 10, 2020 2 pm
Attending: Drew and David
- Uploading image/video files.
- Use “convert” to convert the *.jpg files to mp4 file.
- See you can upload data file O.K.
Same time next week.
November 25, 2020 2:30 pm
Attending: David Delene, Drew Fitzgerald, Lucas Castro, Drew Fitzgerald
- Hours - Sent Email to Mary.
December 1, 2020 2:00 pm
Attending: David Delene, Drew Fitzgerald, Lucas Castro
- Got hours in. Never got emails. Have to see this month.
- Learn about vi and start using gvim.
- Get VNC working.
December 8, 2020 2:00 pm
Attending: David Delene, Drew Fitzgerald, Lucas Castro
* Working on VNC getting. Not getting Docusign email for Sue but get from Mary. Working the issue. * Can I work over break.
- Yes
* Question about python workshop.
- Likely will try to do January 10 and 11, 9 am to 12 and 1 to 4 pm Central.
* More information on the ADPAA Gateway, see
* Document Docusign issue on Undergraduate research Wiki,
Meeting next week at this time. Lucas no, but meet with Drew at 2 pm. Drew would likely be remote next semester.
- Hours - Make Google Sheet Shared for keeping track.
January 26, 2021 1:00 pm
Attending: David Delene, Lucas Castro, Andrew Fitzgerald
- Hours - Make Google Sheet Shared for keeping track.
- Wiki - Page about Real-Time Sonic Wind Data. See CHORDS site - Wiki page about about real-time Sonic Wind Data. Add to Met Trailer - Instrumentation at See Sonic Wiki at
- Install ADPAA source code.
- See /nas/Surface/MetTrailer/ingest/scripts/ on Aircraft Server. Linked to {ADPAA_DIR}/src/scripts_python/