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Davyd Perdomo's Research Logs and Meeting Notes

Research Log

May 26, 2024

Items Finished

  • Complete on my on-board tasks.
  • Downloaded OpenFoam on Aircraft

Working On

  • Running an example on OpenFoam
  • Learning commands for Linux

July 6, 2024

Items Finished

  • Ran OpenFOAM Docker image on Littlestorm. Following this procedure:

1)Edit your ~/.bashrc file and add the line: export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority

2)Start with “Step 5: Launching openfoam11-linux” at the following link However, when you get to the last line that launches “openfoam11-linux” , you instead need to launch it like this: openfoam11-linux -p 510 -xhost ←-This will ensure that graphical programs get passed through and show up correctly when xforwarding. You may not need the extra flags if you are using a VNC session.

3)Once in the container, return to, and go to Step 6: Testing openfoam11-linux. This should ensure that everything is set correctly and afterward you should be ready to work with the program.

Working On

  • Running PyVista on Littlestorm.
  • Setting up OpenFOAM wiki page.
  • Running first iteration from O'Brien's dissertation.


May 22, 2024



  • Davyd - Send email Invite for next Wednesday at 3 pm CT.
  • Davyd/David - Should clone the Joe repository,
  • Davyd - Try to run some example OpenFOAM / Tutorials.

May 29, 2024


  • File permission error.
  • Got docker to run.
  • Emailed Joe about clone his repository.


  • Davyd - See about getting openFOAM working on Littlestorm.

June 27, 2024 (2 pm)


  • VPN was blocking connection to Little storm.
  • New problem - Lock screen on Littlestorm, just locked. Emailed Derek.
  • Joe sent link, after making public. Worked on getting clone of the repository.
  • ParaView, (or PyVista (Joe used)), We should start with PyVista.
  • Note: On Little storm, we should try to install all the latest software.
  • Monday July 8, 8 am CT, zoom. Send me invite.


  • Add to Wiki page the Joe github repository cloning.
  • Add to Wiki information from Joe about getting OpenFOAM running on a workstation.
  • Run openFOAM docker image on Littlestorm.
  • Run PyVista on Littlestorm.

July 17, 2024


  • Talked with Joe O'Brien. Got data collection document done. Upload data to One Drive
  • Five figure. Have title, Joe further ahead.
  • Filters from CapeEx19. August/September. Look for the August 3 case.
  • Hopefully, in a week or so, you can download the data collection.
  • Tried to run in OpenFOAM, version 11. Were running OpenFOAM version 8. Getting error.
    • Try to debug the error and syntax.
  • Find templates. Points file.
  • What is the global path to aircraft sim directory. Use pwd command.
  • Create shared directory on /nas/home/OpenFOAM


  • David - Send to library and Davyd test.
  • Davyd - Get the data set from the library data collection and put on Littlestorm.
  • David - Send email to John Wold to get Davyd full access to the Wiki site.
  • Davyd - Run BlockMesh command on Aircraft to see if it works with older version

August 7, 2024


  • Discussed our travel.
  • Fixed some syntax to get things to update configuration file for version 11 from version 8.
  • What the next step.
    • Reproduce a figure in the Thesis.
    • Check on if there is sufficient information in the Thesis provide.
  • Davyd has everything shown in Thesis Figure 11.
  • See if there is sufficient information.
  • Asked about the sudo commands.
    • If we need to do things requiring sudo, we need to talk with Derek.
  • Use the 'top' from shell to see what process are running and how much memory is used.
  • Next meet, Wednesday. We can figure out time.


  • Davyd - Update with information on Wiki about the change.
  • David - Get working to download Joe's 86 GB file, and get link to Data Collection.
  • Davyd - Try to run OpenFOAM simulation to generated files for creating Figure 12 and maybe Figure 13.

August 21, 2024


  • Davyd attend the August 19/20 Python Workshop. All set now to write code for analyzing output for OpenFOAM.
  • Put in request to John Wold to access full Wiki site so Davyd can update OpenFOAM page.
  • Put in request to to get special permission for ATSC 494-07.


  • Davyd - Update with information on Wiki about the change.
  • David - Get working to download Joe's 86 GB file, and get link to Data Collection.
  • Davyd - Try to run OpenFOAM simulation to generated files for creating Figure 12 and maybe Figure 13.
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/davyd_perdomo.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/05 14:19 by delene