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Tethered Balloon Flights


Ray Richards Golf Course

  • Distance
    • 850 m
  • Radar Evaluation
    • 6.5 degrees, at 400 ft AGU
    • 8.5 degrees, at 500 ft AGU
  • Radar Azimuth
    • 146 degrees, with range of 140 to 152 degrees

Discovery Elementary

  • Distance
    • 4.6 km
  • Radar Evaluation
    • 1.2 degrees, at 400 ft AGU
    • 1.6 degrees, at 500 ft AGU
  • Radar Azimuth
    • 166 degrees, with range of 162 to 170 degrees

Softball Complex, South Side of Grand Forks

  • Distance
    • 5.7 km
  • Radar Evaluation
    • 1.0 degrees, at 400 ft AGU
    • 1.25 degrees, at 500 ft AGU
  • Radar Azimuth

Masonic Park

  • Radar Azimuth
    • 163 degrees, with range of 161 to 165 degrees

Calibration Sphere

  • Supplier: Century Metal Spinning
  • Serial Number: UND-01
    • Diameter: 6.0003 inch
    • Sphericity: 0.0008
    • Weight: 0.86 lbs (13.76 oz)
  • Serial Number: UND-02
    • Diameter: 6.00075
    • Sphericity: 0.0001
    • Weight: 0.85 lbs (13.6 oz)
atmos/raob/und-tetheredflights.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/18 16:37 by