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Datalogger Programming

Met Trailer 12 M CR23X Data Logger Analog Measurement Table

A/D Parameter Unit Wire High Multiply Offset Cal Date S/N Manufacturer Model # ND Equipment # Cal Due Date Owner
CH01 Temperature C Brown-Green 0.1 -40.0 20200123 Z3610163 Vaisala HMP45C M80154 20210101 UND
CH02 Humidity % Pink-Gray 0.1 0.0 20200123 Z3610163 Vaisala HMP45C M80154 20210101 UND
CH03 CH03 volts Brown 1.0 0.0
CH04 CH04 volts Purple 1.0 0.0
CH05 Spare05 volts None 1.0 0.0
CH06 Spare06 volts None 1.0 0.0
CH07 Spare07 volts None 1.0 0.0
CH08 spare08 volts None 1.0 0.0
CH09 3D Wind Speed m/s Green 0.001 0.0 20200201 01873 R.M. Young 81000 M94500 20220201 UND
CH10 Wind Direction degrees Blue 0.07198 0.0 20200201 01873 R.M. Young 81000 M94500 20220201 UND
CH11 Wind Elevation degrees Red 0.0024 -60.0 20200201 01873 R.M. Young 81000 M94500 20220201 UND
CH12 Sonic Temp C Yellow 0.02 -50.0 20200201 01873 R.M. Young 81000 M94500 20220201 UND
Pressure 20200101 BP02989 R.M. Young 61202V M97535 20210101 UND
Temperature C 20200701 D4810007 Vaisala HMP45C M124825 20230301 UND
Humidity % 20200701 D4810007 Vaisala HMP45C M124825 20230301 UND
Wind Speed m/s 20200101 59930 R.M. Young 05103-5 M144373 20210101 UND
Wind Direction degrees 20200101 59930 R.M. Young 05103-5 M144373 20210101 UND
Temperature C 20200701 B323003 Vaisala HMP45C M94514 20230301 UND
Humidity % 20200701 B323003 Vaisala HMP45C M94514 20230301 UND
3D Wind Speed m/s 01870 R.M. Young 81000 M94522 UND
Wind Direction degrees 01870 R.M. Young 81000 M94522 UND
Wind Elevation degrees 01870 R.M. Young 81000 M94522 UND
Sonic Temp C 01870 R.M. Young 81000 M94522 UND
CM3 Up Signal W / m2 Red 040892 Kipp & Zonen CNR1 M80158 UND
CM3 Down Signal W / m2 White 040892 Kipp & Zonen CNR1 M80158 UND
CG3 Up Signal W / m2 Grey 040892 Kipp & Zonen CNR1 M80158 UND
CG3 Down Signal W / m2 Brown 040892 Kipp & Zonen CNR1 M80158 UND
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20200101 7324 Campbell Sci. CR23X M80173 20220101 UND
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20080401 2620 Campbell Sci. CR3000 M97504 20100401 UND

CR23X Micrologger Programming Steps

Downloading the LoggerNet Software & Connecting a NEW Datalogger

1. Download the LoggerNet software found on Campbell Scientific's website. (This software is not free to use and requires a license. You can contact Campbell Scientific for a quote on the software by taping “ordering info” on the top right hand side of the page. You will be prompted to fill out a form and submit your request for a quote.)

LoggerNet Software

2. Once you have access to LoggerNet software, click the desktop icon and the application will open.

3. Navigate to the Main tab on the top left-hand side, then choose “Setup” on the top right-hand side.

4. A setup screen will pop up and you will now choose the “Add” button on the top left-hand side. This will open the EZSetup wizard to guide you through adding the datalogger.

5. Click the “Next” button to continue throughout the wizard.

6. On the following page there is a list of common dataloggers on the left-hand side, you can navigate through the list to select the datalogger you have, in our case we will select the CR23XPB (which is the CR23X with the PakBus). After selecting the datalogger we will name the datalogger in the box labeled Datalogger Name, we will name ours “CR23XPB12Meter” and “CR23XPB4Meter” to differentiate from the two dataloggers we will have setup. Then, click “Next”.

7. The Connection Type page will display a list of modes of communication such as: Direct Connection, Phone Modem, IP Port, RF95/RF3XX, RF4XX (Non-PakBus), and MD9. We will chose “Direct Connection” for our method.

8. The COM Port Selection page will allow you to choose what port your datalogger is connected to. Ours is connected via USB Serial Port (COM4). You can also choose to have a communication delay that will allow the PC to load the necessary applications the normal delay is 2-4 seconds. We have ours set at 0.

9. Next is the Datalogger Settings page. Here we can select the baud rate that the datalogger will uses to communicate. The baud rate for the CR23X is 9600. You can also select the PakBus Address for your datalogger, we leave ours at the pre-selected value of 1. There are also options to change the Extra Response Time and Max Time On-Line, ours will be left at 0. (When pushing “Next” to advance a warning box opens and states that the PakBus Address is already being used. Just click continue and use 1 anyway.)

10. Datalogger Settings - Security is a page where you can set a code for security on your datalogger, a value of 0 means security will not be used. We will leave the code as 0.

11. Communication Setup Summary - is a chance to review the changes made to the setup of the datalogger.

12. Communication Test - Select yes to test the communication, or no to advance to the next step.

13. Datalogger Clock - Setting the datalogger clock is useful for when the displayed time and date doesn't match the date and time on the server. This step can be completed later if you aren't connected to the datalogger.

14. Datalogger Program - This screen allows you to upload an existing program. If you don't have an existing program you can skip this step by clicking “Next”. (Programming steps are going to be discussed later, so we are going to skip this step).

15. Datalogger Table Output Files - Skip this step until the program is completed.

16. Scheduled Collection - Check the box that enables scheduled collection. After you will choose how often you want the datalogger to collect data and where to output the data. We will choose 1 minute as our collection rate and the output file is: C:\Users\Dropbox\Surface\MetTrailer\data\CR23X_12M\raw\CR23X_12M.dat

17. Wizard Complete!

Programming a NEW Datalogger (CR23X)

1. Navigate on the LoggerNet software application and under Program, choose Short Cut. Here we can start the process of making a new program.

2. Once Short Cut opens, select “Create New Program”.

3. Select your datalogger from the list (CR23XTD/CR23XPB).

4. The next page will display the available sensors and devices for quick programming. For our program we decided to use generic differential voltage measurements. Under the Sensors folder, there is a folder labeled “Generic Measurements”. In the Generic Measurements folder you will see many options, we will choose “Differential Voltage”.

6. Under Voltage Measurement, you decide what to name the measurement and what units the measurement will be made in. We will chose to name ours after the channels they are wired to. Therefor, we have “CH01” measured in “mV” (a complete list of the channels, what the generic measurements are converted to and other important information is listed in the table above).

7. Range of Sensor Voltage will depend on the instruments you are deciding to connect to the datalogger (this information can be found in the manual for the instrument). Ours are all 0-5000mV, so 5000mV is selected.

8. Measurement Integration is already selected at “Reject 60 Hz Noise (16.667 ms)”, and this is the value it should stay on.

9. The Multiplier and Offset are used to convert the measurement to a different unit of measure and a calibration factor. For the multiplier a value of 0 has no effect on the measurement, a value of 0 will store 0 for the measurement taken. For the offset, a value of 0 has no effect on the measurement and is the standard value used.

Calculating the Multiplier and Offset Values

Most instruments will have the values for the Offset and Multiplier listed within their manuals. These values can also be calculated by using the range of the instrument and the range of the voltage. Here is an example:

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atmos/meteorological_observations_trailer/programming.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/15 23:12 by