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Overview: Meteorological Observations Trailer

The Meteorological Observations Trailer (MET Trailer) is a 8 ft wide by 10 ft long enclosed trailer with a 9 ft above ground roof that is equipped with a telescoping mast. The mast has two horizontal bars, one at 6 meters and the other at 12 meters. The roof itself has instruments at 4 meters. The 12 meter bar is equipped with a R.M. Young 81000 3 Axis Sonic Anemometer and a Vaisala HMP45C temperature & humidity probe (with a 10 plate radiation shield). A junction box is also attached to the 12 meter bar and is responsible for connecting the wires coming from the instruments to the main wire that leads into the trailer to a data logger.

* Current Location - 47 51 51.13“ N, -96 56' 06.85” W

Meteorological Observations Trailer Home Page

atmos/meteorological_observations_trailer/overview.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/28 17:17 by