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Gill WindSonic Sonic Anemometer Setup

Data Acquisition

To start the WindView software on the computer in Met Trailer and begin logging data follow these steps:

  • Double-click on the Gill WindView icon on the Desktop
  • Select Menus →File→Connect
  • A window will pop up.
    • Enter MetTrailer-YYYY in the 'Name' field box, where YYYY is current year, for example 2021.
    • Select 'GILL_POLAR_TWO_AXIS' in 'Output Format' Pull down menu
    • Select COM11 in the 'Port' Pull Down menu
    • Select 9600 in the 'Baud Rate' Pull Down menu
    • Select NONE in the 'Parity' Pull Down menu
    • Click 'Connect' Button
  • Should see data coming in on left side of window (with 'Data' tab selected), if not, reset power on Sonic Anemometer.
  • Select Menus →Settings→Logging
  • The 'Log Settings' window will pop up.
    • Check 'Enable' under 'Segmented Logging'
    • Select 6 mins in 'Create new log file every' field.
    • Check 'Append Time Stamp' field.
    • The 'Directory' field should Dropbox folder c:\Users\Students\Dropbox\Surface\MetTrailer\data\WindSonic\raw
    • The 'File Name (prefix) field should be Wind.txt
    • Click 'Apply' Button
    • Click 'OK' Button in pop up Window.
  • Select Menus →Log→Start

Data Stream

  • Transfer to Aircraft Server
    • Crontab runs /nas/Surface/MetTrailer/ingest/scripts/rsync_cirrus2aircraft to transferred from Dropbox folder to Aircraft server.
    • Data is stored in /nas/Surface/MetTrailer/data/WindSonic/raw/ on Aircraft server.
  • Create Plots on Delene's Website
    • The script /nas/Surface/MetTrailer/display/scripts/process_all_MetSonicWinds creates all plots.
    • Plots are stored in /nas/Surface/MetTrailer/data/WindSonic/plots on Aircraft server.
    • Transfer to Web Server
      • The /nas/Surface/MetTrailer/ingest/scripts/rsync_aircraft2adiabat copy plots to Web server.
  • Upload Data to UND CHORDS Server
    • Upload script /nas/Surface/MetTrailer/ingest/scripts/
  • Automated (crontab)
    • The Data Stream is automated using the david.delene user's crontab on Aircraft server.
    • The crontab information is archived in /nas/Surface/CH601/control/contab

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atmos/meteorological_observations_trailer/gill_windsonic_sonic_anemometer.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/04 15:13 by