Setup of a USB Drive that has a Bootable Fedora Linux OS
Here we describe the setup of a 16 GB USB drive that can be used to boot Fedora 16.
The USB drive contains three partitions, a boot partition (~500 MB), the main Fedora 16 partition (~ 15 GB), and a FAT32 partition (~ 1 GB) for documents that is accessable without booting Fedora.
A reason complete installation of Fedora running Gnome 3 is included. A user name, 'guest' should be create and setup to automatically boot into their Gnome session at boot time. Root password should be set to '12345'. The following non-standard software is include.
- IDL - Complete IDL version 8.1, license should be from 1700@localhost. SSH tunneling would be necessary to access a license server. The Cplot Analysis program can be run without the need for an IDL license.
- ADPAA - ADPAA software package should be install via svn.
- NCPLOT - Has been install by compling the source code downloaded from
Installing Fedora on USB Drive (Under construction)
You may have to update your computers BIOS in order for your computer to boot from a USB drive.
First thing is to make room on your USB drive for the Fedora files.
Using Insyde H2O Setup Utility 3.5:
- Boot your computer with the Linux rescue disk, and move to GParted in the upper left corner.
- Select the memory stick you want to partition. Ex: /dev/sdb. DO NOT partition the files onto your computer hard drive (labled normal).
- Make the first partition fat32, and create as: primary partition. The partition size is your choice (10 GB recommended).
- Make a second partition
atmos/linux/usb_drive.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by