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LaTeX Template for Thesis and Dissertation

The following template follows the formatting guidelines set forth by the UND School of Graduate Studies. It has been tested on Mac OS X 10.9 (using MacTeX), Mac OS X 10.6.8, Windows 7 Professional (using TeX Live), Windows 8 (using, and Windows 10 using Tex Works and compiles correctly. If you find any errors or have any suggested changes, please let us know @ (August 2017) or (March 2014) (or you can upload an edited version documenting the changes you've made).

Here is a link that can be helpful when making tables: You can create a simple table or copy/paste a table from Excel and it will auto-generate LaTeX code to create that table.


Zip-File (March 2019 update)

Zip-File (August 2017 update)

Zip-File (March 2014 update)

(Mar. 25, 2019 update)

Added more examples and improved document readability.

(Aug. 16, 2017 update)

The template uses several packages so please ensure that you have installed all of the required packages.

Bibliographies may be created by hand or by using a variety of programs such as JabRef (Windows) or BibDesk (Mac). The March 2014 template provides a sample bibliography to be used in these programs. The August 2017 template provides a hand-written bibliography.

For more information on how to use LaTeX to create documents, see


atmos/latex/home.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/30 23:41 by