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March 16 2022

Morning Prep:

  • Cleaned critical orifices and impactor
  • Looked into ordering new critical orifices from TSI
  • Cleaned valve on dilution system
  • Replaced filter on the dilution system
  • Ran a test. CPC 3775 continues to have flow rate error. Cleaned critical orifice more thoroughly.
  • Added new sampling intake for CPC 3775.
  • CPC 3771 initial concentrations of test ∼14,000-16,000 #/cm3
    • 30 background to 14,000. Not close to 1. No consistency in dilution ratios yet.
  • Suspect system is sampling air run back through classifier.
  • Ratio tests (Start time: 14:37 UTC):
    • 1.7 background to 8,100 to 8,200
    • 1 background to 4,800
    • 1 background to 9,000
    • 1.7 background to 5,290
    • 1.7 background to 10,000
    • 1 background to 5,880
    • Summary: 1:5,000 to 1:10,000

* Run 14: SMPS_20220316_Run14

  • Start Time: 15:00 UTC
  • CPC concentration: ∼5000 #/cm3
  • APS Pattern: Flat (∼4 #/cm3)
  • Error caused by Delene at 15:03 UTC. Accidental. High values not coming down. Injested air from garage by accident.
  • System temps ∼185 F.

* Run 15: SMPS_20220316_Run15 (IPC 2022)

  • Instrument Start Time: 15:25 UTC
    • Burning acetone. CPC concentrations at 1000 #/cm3 and falling.
    • Taking its time decreasing. Fans not on yet.
    • Turning on one fan while burning acetone caused CPC concentrations to skyrocket.
  • Sampling Start Time: 16:05 UTC
  • Valve Opening: 16:08 UTC
  • CPC Concentration: A curve to 5,500 #/cm3
  • CPC Concentration after valve switch: 20,000 #/cm3
  • APS Pattern: Flat. Peaks at 3 #/cm3
  • System tunnel temp: 190 °F

* Run 16: SMPS_20220316_Run16 (DMI)

  • Instrument Start Time: 16:32 UTC
  • Purge Time: 16:39 UTC
  • CPC 3771: 21, CPC 3775: 70,000. Results in a 1:3,333 ratio.
  • 30s response time for CPC 3771, likely due to thin tubing.
  • Fans On: 16:48 UTC
  • Delene changed tubing lines at 16:53 UTC, caused CPC 3771 to spike to 27,000.
  • One fan off at 17:01 UTC.
  • Filter turned on at 17:04 UTC.
  • Filter turned off at 17:05:30 UTC.
  • Last fan died at 17:06:30 UTC.

* Lunch Run: SMPS_20220316_Lunch (Ambient Air through CPCs)

  • CPC 3771: 2.5-3.0 #/cm3 (18:14 UTC)
  • CPC 3775: 20,000 #/cm3 (18:14 UTC)
  • Dilution ratios wildly inconsistent.
    • 18:33 UTC: 3771 back on dilution, around 0.2 #/cm3. No consistency.

* Run 17: SMPS_20220316_Run17 (Aged IPC 2021)

  • Insruments On:18:40 UTC
  • Filter On: 18:41 UTC
  • Initial CPC peak (3771) at 10,000, stabilizing at 7,000-8,000 #/cm3.
  • Internal tunnel temps around 190 °F.

* Run 18: SMPS_20220316_Run18 (WMI High Flow Rate)

  • Instruments On: 18:56 UTC
  • Adding another pump to regulate the flow rate. Also removing critical orifice that could possibly be plugged/dirty.
  • At 19:24 UTC, CPC 3771 dilution is at 30 #/cm3. Off diltion, settling at 29,000 - 30,000 #/cm3.
  • Closed a valve. Down to 20,000 #/cm3 at 19:27 UTC. Reopened valve, back up to 25,000 - 30,000 #/cm3.
  • At 19:36 UTC, back on dilution. (4-7 #/cm3)
  • At 19:37 UTC, fans back on.
  • At 19:38 UTC, filter on.
  • At 19:40 UTC, flow rate of generator fluctuating.
  • At 19:42 UTC, CPC 3771 at 7,800 #/cm3.
  • Turned off generator at 19:47 UTC. APS registered large influx of large particles.

* Run 19: SMPS_20220316_Run19 (WMI High Flow Rate)

  • Instrument, Generator Start Time: 20:00 UTC
  • Generator turned off at 20:03 UTC.
  • Inconsistent Flow Rate

* Run 20: SMPS_20220316_Run20 (Bizmuth)

  • Instrument Start Time: 20:40 UTC
  • CPC 3771 Initial Concentration: 9000-10,000 #/cm3
  • Sharper peaks on APS (∼0.6 μm) at 8 #/cm3.
  • CPC concentration eventually flattens to 7000 #/cm3.

* Run 21: SMPS_20220316_Run21 (Pump Tests)

  • Fans seperate, not pulling any air into generator/sampler.
  • Start Time: 21:14 UTC
  • Pump is low, not pulling nearly enough.
  • 21:20 UTC: Pulling aerosol through generators via fans.
  • CPC 3771 Diluted. Peaking around 7,000 #/cm3.
  • Wind kicked generator off at 21:23 UTC.
  • Generator back online at 21:25 UTC.
  • Delene cuts run short so he can add another pump to the system. Pull is too low (> 2L/min)

* Run 22: SMPS_20220316_Run21 (WMI High Flow Rate)

  • Testing two pumps together to increase pull to instruments.
  • Not looking good. Only 1 L/min.
  • Instrument Start Time: 21:43 UTC
  • 21:50 UTC: Pumps total pull only 0.999 L/min
  • 21:55 UTC: Generator On
  • 21:56 UTC: Filter On
  • 21:57 UTC: Peak at 13,000 #/cm3
  • 22:00 UTC: Peaks at 60,000 #/cm3
  • 22:07 UTC: Lowering generator flow rate
  • Averaging between 50,000 and 55,000 #/cm3
  • One fan died at 22:14 UTC
atmos/datacollections/2022_03_16.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/16 20:50 by