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March 15 2022

* Run 05: SMPS_20220315_Run05

  • No notes on this run.

* Run 06: SMPS_20220315_Run06

  • Start Time: 14:24 UTC
  • CPC Starting Concentration: 6300 #/cm3
  • APS Starting Pattern: Flat. Minor peaks around 3-4 μm at 4 #/cm3
  • CPC continuing to linearly drop off

* Run 07: SMPS_20220315_Run07

  • Start Time: 14:59 UTC
  • CPC Starting Concentration: 2800 #/cm3
  • APS Starting Pattern: Relatively Flat
  • CPC Concentration after 5 min: 2000 #/cm3
  • Any minor APS peaks are around 5 #/cm3
  • CPC showing asymptotic behavior, signs of flattening out.
  • Tapping valves causes spikes in CPC concentrations.

* Run 08: SMPS_20220315_Run08

  • Start Time: 15:28 UTC
  • Filter Off: 16:12 UTC
  • CPC pattern very different. CPC concentrations increased and now relatively stable. Different solution producing different results. CPC concentration stabilized around 380 #/cm3.
  • APS Pattern: Flat
  • After peak, seeing slight decay in concentration.

* Run 09: SMPS_20220315_Run09 (Acetone Run)

  • Start Time: 16:25 UTC
  • Purge of Generator: 16:29 UTC
  • Peak of purge at 100 #/cm3. Falling off quickly.
  • Second peak observed at 16:37 UTC. Unknown what the cause is.
  • Filter Start Time: 16:41 UTC
  • Back to background levels after purge at 16:44 UTC.
  • Train went by at 16:51 UTC. No response in data.
  • Tapping valves at 16:54 UTC. Minor peak of 40 #/cm3.

* Run 10: SMPS_20220315_Run10 (Propane Run)

  • Start Time: 18:08 UTC
  • Filter On: 18:09 UTC
  • CPC just background values ( ≥ 0.5 #/cm3).
  • APS has very few larger particles. Peak around 0.6 μm at ∼0.2 #/cm3.
  • 10 mins in, everything remains the same. APS peaking between 0.6-0.7 μm.

* Run 11: SMPS_20220315_Run11 (IPC 2021 Old Run)

  • Start Time: 19:01 UTC
  • CPC Concentration Peak: ∼440 #/cm3
  • APS Pattern: Flat, no real peaks
  • CPC showing linear decrease. ∼350 #/cm3 at 5 mins in.

* Run 12: SMPS_20220315_Run12 (New Filtration System: Duplicate to Run 1)

  • Filtration System added: 0.2 #/cm3 background
  • CPC hovering around 20,000 with valves open. Counts averaged around 17,000 #/cm3. Background is 0.1-0.3 #/cm3.
  • Background 1 to Atmos. 15,000 ratio
  • CPC Start Time: 20:05 UTC
  • Sample Start Time: 20:30 UTC
  • 1 minute sample outside (air without dilution)
  • 1 minute sample with dilution
  • Repeat process for two of each.
  • Generator CPC peak at 1,100 #/cm3. Dropping linearly to 750 #/cm3 3 minutes later.
  • CPC holding steady between 700-750 #/cm3.

* Run 13: SMPS_20220315_Run13 (WMI Formula)

  • CPC Start Time: 20:55 UTC
  • Initial Concentration: ∼20 #/cm3
  • Ratio Tests:
    • 13-15 background to 40,000 (1 valve)
    • 13-15 background to 80,000+ (all valves)
  • Concentrations not dipping down to previous background levels. Some contamination possible. Another bypass might be needed.
  • Running propane to clear 8“ tubing. No real response. Still 8-10 #/cm3. Needs to be around 1 #/cm3.
  • More ratio tests:
    • 3-6 background to 14,000-15,000
    • 5-7 background to 12,000-13,000
    • 5-7 background to erroneous values.
  • Sample Start Time: 22:10 UTC (same as filter start time)
  • CPC Concentration: 3,720 #/cm3
  • APS pattern: Continued relatively flat pattern ∼ 4 #/cm3
  • Fans once again died at the end. (overheated)
atmos/datacollections/2022_03_15.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/16 20:08 by