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External (Wing) Probe Installation Process

Pylon Mounted Probe in PMS style Canisters

Below are recommend procedures to ensure that equipment is not damaged and fully functioning in preparation for an initial check flight.

* Install canisters on aircraft and wire up data and power connections.

* Before installing probes in canisters, use the PMS canister test cable and a multi-meter to check that all power pins have the correct voltage as described in the instrument's manual.

* With canister power off, install probe within the canister.

* With one person next to the power break and another person next to the canister, turn probe canister power on. If the person next to the canister, hears any noise or detects a burning smell, turn power off immediately!

* Check with card (IR card for probes with lasers in the IR spectrum), that their is laser light between the probe arms.

* Turn on the Data Acquisition Computer System and check that data communication is working.

* For two-dimensional probes (CIP, PIP, 2D-S HVPS), check the end elements.

* De-ice Heater Check.

  • Using digital laser pointing thermometer, check the temperature of the probe tips (where the de-ice heaters are located). Check the temperature of the canister.
  • With one person inside the aircraft and another person next to the canister, turn probe canister power on. Check the probe tip and canister temperature again in the same location.
  • Turn on the de-ice heaters. If the person next to the canister, hears any noise or detects a burning smell, turn power off immediately!
  • With de-ice heaters on, check the probe tip and canister temperature.
  • Turn off de-ice heater and probe power.

* For Spec Canisters (HVPS, 2D-S) purge with nitrogen gas.

* Clean Probe optics.

* Check and document End Element voltage levels.

* Record data with and without spray going through the probe or use spinning disk.

* Upload ground test data to the field project server.

* Process and review ground test data.

atmos/citation/wingprobeinstallation/home.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/21 14:19 by