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WinSCP is used to copy files to and from a remote computer.

You can download WinSCP from

Once downloaded, you can run the program by going to start⇒WinSCP3⇒WinSCP. This will prompt a login screen requiring three things necessary to access the files from another computer: the computer's host name, the user trying to access the files and their password. NOTE: the user must use the username and password that they use to access the host computer, not the current computer that they are on. Once those three things are provided, click login. The screen will then split in two with the user's pc and its files and directories on the left side, and the pc that is being remotely accessed and its files and directories on the right side. Files can then be freely exchanged between the two computers.

For citation2 connection:

The configuration file can be downloaded here:

Move the WinSCP.ini file to C:\Program Files\WinSCP and replace the existing WinSCP.ini file with this one.

atmos/citation/soft/winscp.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by