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TMUX - Terminal Multiplexer

Tmux allows virtual sessions that you can attach to and de-attach to. Good for doing things that you don't want to fail due to network issue, like installing updates.

Basic Commands

  • New Session - tmux new -s myname
  • Attach to Existing Session - tmux a -t myname
  • De-attach to Session - control-b d
  • Attach to Existing Session Remotely - ssh hostname -t tmux a -t sessionname

Example (Connection to aircraft)

  • Start with create a new session on Aircraft named delene1.
    • ssh -p 22000
    • tmux new -s delene1
      • Note: The above comment put into the virtual tmux session named delene1, which is indicated by green bar at bottom of seen. This is connected to tmux session on the remote aircraft server.
  • Disconnect from the created session and exit ssh aircraft connection.
    • control-b d
      • Select control and b key at same time. Afterwards hit the b key.
    • exit
      • Note: Above comment, exits out of the remote ssh session to aircraft and returns to local computer.
  • Connect to the delene1 session, from the local computer system, that was created on aircraft.
    • ssh -p 22000 -t tmux attach -t delene1
      • Note the above commands connects to the remote tmux session (name delene1) from the local computer. This connection and be reattached to if the network connection break, unlike the tmux session started above using tmux new -s delene1.

Cheat Sheet

atmos/citation/soft/tmux.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/09 16:07 by