Subversion on Plume
Currently, software for processing Cloud Particle Imager (CPI), High Volume Spectrometer Probe Version 3(HVPS3), and Two Dimensional Stereo (2DS) data are hosted on Plume (plume.atmos.u using subversion. The root of the subversion database is at /var/www/svn. Subversion configuration is set to require password authorization for read or write access. Hence, new users need to have a user accounted created using, htpasswd -cm /etc/svn-auth-users username. Additional information for running the code is in each software trunk.
See for information on configuring Subversion.
To check out a local copy:
Create directory /usr/local/CPI Change owner and group permission on the directory to a user, not root. cd /usr/local/CPI svn co Enter password if needed.
Define and export variables system
Add /usr/local/CPI/trunk to path in /etc/profile.
To test if program is working.
Create a cpitest directory. Copy the sample_data/05231702.roi file to test directory. Go into the cpitest directory. Run cpiview Select File/Overnight from the pull down. Select the 05231702.roi file. The file should start processing. It should create a 05231702.obj, 05231702_combined.csv, 05231702_frame.txt 05231702_HzLog.txt files Images are saved under the images_of_ directory.