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How to mount a networked drive on Windows

To un-mount a network drive, right click on 'My Computer' and select 'Disconnect Network Drive'. Select the drive to un-mount and select the 'OK' button.

If followed verbatim this tutorial will mount the /nas drive onto your active directory account.

1. Log into the computer using you active directory user information. (i.e the user name and password used in the penguin lab). Make sure you have selected AEROSPACE in the drop box.

User Name: Jsmith
Password: xxxxxxx
Log on to: AEROSPACE

2. Right Click “My Computer” and select “Map Network Drive…”

3. Once the window comes up select any unused drive letter (e.g. N:\ )

4. Where it asks for a folder type the server address for the drive, for the /nas drive use the following:

Folder: \\\aircraft

5. Check the “Reconnect at logon” to connect the driver at each logon.

6. Click “Finish” the drive should mount after a few seconds. If things don't mount and you are ask for a username and password, make sure you have 'aerospace\' before your username, i.e. 'aerospace\delene'.

7. Try to view the drive to make sure everything has worked properly.

How to mount a networked drive on Linux

This tutorial will demonstrate the steps to mount a networked drive on system boot using the fstab (for desktops) and temporarily (for laptops).

For both types of devices, if the networked drive is password protected, a credentials file will need to be created.

1. Change directories to the directory where the credentials file will be located (i.e. /root/etc/).

2. Create a text file (in this case called credentials.activedirectory) that contains the following two lines without any extra spaces:


3. Create a directory to contain the networked drive (i.e. /nas)

Mount a networked drive on system boot on Linux

This method is best for devices such as destops which are connected to the network when the system is booted.

1. Change directories to the /etc/ directory.

2. Add the following line to the fstab file: Note that 'id -a' can be used to determine your uid and gid which you should use instead of xxxx.

    // /nas            nsf    defaults 0 0

3. Reboot the computer to test that the computer mounts the networked drive upon start up.

Mount a networked drive temporarily on Linux

The following bash script will mount the /nas drive temporarily on the computer.

# Name: mountdrives
# Description:  Shell script to mount Aerospace network drives.
# Modification: 100121 David Delene Script written.
sudo mount -o uid=xxxxxx,gid=xxxxx,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770,credentials=/root/etc/credentials.activedirectory // /nas_remote

Uid and gid are the user and group ids, respectively, of the current user. The command “id” in a terminal window will provide both the uid and the gid for the current user.

To following bash script will un-mount the /nas drive from the computer.

# Name: umountdrives
# Description:  Shell script to un-mount Aerospace network drives.
# Modification: 100121 David Delene Script written.
sudo umount /nas_remote


atmos/citation/soft/mount_network_drive.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/25 14:49 by