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Particle Habit Imaging Polar Scattering probe

Data Location

The PHIPS data is located on the Aircraft server:


The PHIPS images are stored in *C1 and *C2 directories, with each directory containing a maximum of 999 images.

If someone ran the '' code, there will be a directory containing combined C1 and C2 PHIPS images. This code just combines the two images into one image (see ADPAA).

The flights where the PHIPS images have already been classified are:

  • 20190725_1759
  • 20190729_1923
  • 20190802_1929
  • 20190803_1424

The classification files will have the naming conventions as:


To create your own classification data file, you must have the 'PHIPS_Image_Classifier_8.mlapp' script in the same directory as your PHIPS (C1 and C2) image directories, as well as the two (C1 and C2) .txt files (example: 20190802-1931_0000_C1.txt).

The 20190803_1424 flight data directory is more sophisticated than the other flights so far (because of Christian Nairy's thesis work. Within the PHIPS_Data directory, you will see suibdirectories where individual flight legs were created. Christian classified the total flight, then reclassified the flight legs. Also, for all the PHIPS data for the 20190803_1424 flight, the images are located in the PHIPS_Data directory and then within the MATLAB subdirectory.

atmos/citation/research/data_notes.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/23 18:14 by