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Flight: 20190803_142455

Flight Leg from 15:39:44 to 15:44:44

  • Composite reflectivity @ 15:44:44 from KMLB
  • Aircraft flight track from 15:39:44 to 15:44:44 (Aircraft is traveling away from storm core w/ time).

Cplot2 plots

Chain Aggregates & Confidence vs. Time [UTC]

  • Chain Aggregates: Summation of all the chain aggregates found in 1 second.
  • Confidence: Average of all confidence (1 [low confidence that the particle is a chain aggregate] - 3 [high confidence that the particle is a chain aggregate]) values of the corresponding chain aggregates every 1 second.

  • 89 Total Chain Aggregates
  • 15 Total Chain Aggregates with the highest level of certainty (confidence: >=2.5)
  • 35 Total Chain Aggregates with the moderate level of certainty (confidence: 1.5 < x < 2.5)
  • 39 Total Chain Aggregates with the lowest level of certainty (confidence: =<1.5)

Aircraft Altitude [km] & Temperature [degC] vs. Time [UTC]

Aircraft Altitude [km] & Electric Field out of the length Aircraft [kV/m] (forward +) vs. Time [UTC]

Aircraft Altitude [km] & Electric Field along the wings of the Aircraft [kV/m] (port +) vs. Time [UTC]

Aircraft Altitude [km] & Electric Field along the top & bottom of the Aircraft [kV/m] (up +) vs. Time [UTC]

Aircraft Altitude [km] & Electric Field due to charging on the Aircraft's surface [kV/m] vs. Time [UTC]

1 sec. sum of Chain Aggregates > 1.5 avg. Confidence & Electric Field out of the length Aircraft [kV/m] (forward +) vs. Time [UTC]

1 sec. sum of Chain Aggregates > 1.5 avg. Confidence & Electric Field along the wings of the Aircraft [kV/m] (port +) vs. Time [UTC]

1 sec. sum of Chain Aggregates > 1.5 avg. Confidence & Electric Field along the top & bottom of the Aircraft [kV/m] (up +) vs. Time [UTC]

1 sec. sum of Chain Aggregates > 1.5 avg. Confidence & Electric Field due to charging on the Aircraft's surface [kV/m] vs. Time [UTC]

atmos/citation/research/cplot2_plot_--_chain_aggregates_confidence_vs._time.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/11 15:41 by