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To navigate to aircraft from your “/home/your_name” directory, type

  • cd ../Radar_Data/T28_Data

T28_Data Roadmap

The bulk of the data and code live inside “data” -Data

  • Misc_data_programs_and_legacy_products
    • Contains old bits of code that aren't in use currently
  • Processing_Code
    • Contains all the code currently under development for the project that isn't being integrated into ADPAA or SODA
  • yrxxxx
    • Contains the flights (fxxx) for that year
    • Once inside a flight folder (e.g. f757)
      • “f757_probe.raw” files are processed by SODA
      • “disp757.0” is the hail counts per size channel file
      • '6-22-00 fl757.mp4' is the flight video file
      • “Code_Files_and_Outputs”
        • Where all the outputs from “Processing_Code” ends up
      • “SODA_Output”s contains a lot of different outputs from SODA
        • If wanting to look at a preprocessed file in SODA, select one of the .dat files
        • If wanting to use ADPAA's aplot or cplot program, use one of the .1Hz files
atmos/citation/research/aircraft_server_navigation.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 19:18 by