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  • Description: Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer
  • Manufacturer: TSI Inc.
  • Model Number: 3936


To clean refer to the manual on the NAS drive: /nas/Instruments/tsi_smps. Use the pdf of the Series 3080 electrostatic classifier manual. The cleaning instructions are under Chapter 6 titled Maintenance.

Trick to cleaning the long tube: use a wooden stick with a bunch of Kimwipes on the end of it attached with a rubber band. Dip in isopropyl alcohol and insert it into the stainless steel tube. Be careful not to go too fast as the rubber band and kimwipes can come off easily.

Processing Data

* Have to download the *.S80 file from the laptop recording the data to the NAS network drive.

Convert from TSI (*.S80) Format to Text File Format (*.txt)

  • Be sure Windows OS Computer (Windows 7) is set to a UTC 24 hour clock
    • Open Control Panel and go into region and Language
    • Set short time to HH:mm
    • Set long time to HH:mm:ss
    • Apply
    • Right click the clock in the toolbar and choose Adjust Date/Time
    • Choose Change Time Zone and select '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time'
    • Apply
  • Open Aerosol Instrument Manager Software (currently version on a Windows machine
  • Open *S80 file using <File><Open> menu. Make sure file type is 'SMPS Data file (*.S80)'
  • Select Yes if prompted to view all files that are in a sequence
  • Highlight all samples in the “Samples List” window and select Export to File under File menu.
  • Export Parameters are:
  • Data Type - dW/dlogDp - check “number” box
  • Delimiter - comma
  • Orientation - Row
  • Uncheck Raw Data
  • Uncheck Export All Channels (only version 9 and above)
  • Save as <filename>.v9.txt (Be sure not to append existing file or the new exported data will be added to the bottom of the previously made file)

Convert from Text File Format (*.txt) to NASA/UND File Format

Use the ADPAA script convert_smpsv9tonasa for processing of text files from Version 9 of AIM software

atmos/citation/instruments/smps/home.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/07 19:23 by