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Setting up the Young 3d Sonic Anemometer

1. You will need to install cutecom

  • Go to the raspberry pi logo in the top left of the screen and click
  • Go top preferences and add software and search for cutecom and install from here. You will need the common password set earlier.

2. You will need to wire up the Sonic Anenometer as seen in the pictures below and in the manual linked below.

  • While testing you will need to use the green serail board provided below. Follow the instructions in the manual to wire the ports to the number on the board.
  • You will need to use a male to male connecter as the usb is serial type male and the green board is also type male. Their is a null modem in between during testing to ensure the correct rs232 read pin on the usb lines up with the write pin of the Anemometer. This will not be needed in the final configuration as you will be wiring up a female connector later but for testing it is needed.

3. Once its wired up you should be able to go to cutecom and follow the below link to an unlisted youtube video showing how to setup the custom format to include all of the 2d and 3d data.

atmos/citation/instruments/setup_young_anemometer/home.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/19 17:20 by