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  • Description: High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer Version 3 (HVPS3)
  • Manufacturer: SPEC, Incorporated
  • Model: HVPS3
  • Serial Number: 04
  • Probe Weight: 20.0 lbs
  • Computer Model Number: RSC 2102
  • Computer Serial Number: 202977
  • Computer Address:
  • Computer Weight: 21.6 lbs
  • University of North Dakota Property Tag for Probe: 107159
  • University of North Dakota Property Tag for Computer: 107160
  • Attached is the Calibration sheets:20120605084423457.pdf
  • May 31 2014: During the NASA IPHEx the HVPS3 was rotated 90 degrees. The arms are now oriented horizontally.


  • Description: High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer Version 3 (HVPS3)
  • Manufacturer: SPEC, Incorporated
  • Manufacturer Date: 2019
  • Model: FTEC785SPE0401
  • Serial Number: 016
  • University of North Dakota Property Tag for Probe: 110120
  • Probe Weight: 20.0 lbs

Nitrogen Can Flush

Date Person
July 13, 2015Nicholas Gapp
July 10, 2015Jamie Ekness
July 7, 2015Nicholas Gapp

Nitrogen Purging

  • 1) Unscrew the cover on the backside of the HVPS and take off both Swagelok 9/16“ caps next to the data wire.
  • 2) Put tube from nitrogen can on either the top or bottom port and tighten


  • 3) Turn on nitrogen flow using silver handle on top of the nitrogen can (extreme left in lower picture) and adjust flow using the black knob to adjust flow through instrument (while plugging other port with finger, pressure reading on the large “MILJOCO” gauge should not exceed 2 psi)


  • 4) Let nitrogen flow through instrument for 10 minutes
  • 5) Plug the open port with 9/16” Swagelok cap, unscrew nitrogen tube, and plug newly opened port quickly after
  • 6) Screw cover onto the back of HVPS and turn off nitrogen flow

HVPS Computer

  • Description: High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer (HVPS)
  • Manafacturer: SPEC, Incorporated
  • Model: RSC2102
  • Serial Number: 202977


  • Rental probe for the NASA OLYMPEX 2015 Project
  • Description: High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer Version 3 (HVPS3)
  • Manafacturer: SPEC, Incorporated
  • Model: HVPS3
  • Serial Number: 07
  • Probe Weight: 20.0 lbs
  • Computer Address:
  • Probe Address:

Power for HVPS3 probe is located in the Aft DC Break Box labeled “HVPS3#2”

Power for HVPS3 AC Anti-Ice is located on the “Left Wing Inboard” knob selector

Aircraft Installation

  • Used twisted pairs for Ethernet cable through wing.
    • RJ 45 connector used 1,2 and 3,6.
    • Needed to use twisted pairs 1,2 and 3,4 at D-Sub in wing to carry the signal.
  • Video input to KVM was an issue.
    • The problem was that the video would flash on and off the screen
    • The solution was to disable both Intel video programs
      • On “My Computer” right click, “Manage”, “Monitor” then disable Intel


  • Uses Spec 2DS data acquisition software version 1.1.2
  • Uses DC-8 TAS source with serial input from M300 computer
  • TAS configuration:
    • COM Port = 1
    • Baud Rate = 9600
    • RADOME offset = 14
    • PITOT offset = 15
    • DC-8 offset = 2
    • NCAR C-130 offset = 9
    • UDP Listen Port = 4242


When installing the new HVPS3 on the Citation in December 2011, the data network would not connect.


All the network data wires were connected correctly. Network cable testing determined that there was a problem with the cabling through the aircraft.


The 4-wire CAT5 network cable going throught the wire was used instead of the twisted pair wires. The allowed the network to connect at 100 MB and software to talk to the probe.


  • Description: High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer (HVPS)
  • Manafacturer: SPEC, Incorporated
  • Model: HVPS1
  • Serial Number for NASA Probe (2040454): 1C-9906-004

Important Notes

30 ga solid core wire is approximately 200 um and is good to use for testing the HVPS since it should shadow one element at a time.


atmos/citation/instruments/hvps/home.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/22 14:03 by