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Restart Deeplens cameras automatically

  • Access the deeplens camera via Anydesk.
  • crontab –e
  • Add the cron job line: “ 59 05 * * * sudo /sbin/shutdown -r > /home/aws_cam/cronError.log 2>&1 ” to schedule restarting the camera every day at 00:00 CST/06:00 UTC.
  • Save and exit crontab.
  • Go to terminal : sudo visudo
  • Add the line “aws_cam ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:/sbin/shutdown” in visudo so deeplens cameras can restart daily without requesting password.
  • Save and exit visudo.
atmos/citation/instruments/aws_deeplens/home/restart_deeplens_cameras_automatically.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/08 19:59 by