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  • Description: 2D-S (Stereo) Optical Array Probe.
  • Dual 128-photodiode sensor head.
  • Manufacturer: Stratton Park Engineering Company, Inc. (SPECinc)
  • Model: 2D-128
  • Serial Number: 012
  • UND Property Tag for Computer: 107154
  • UND Property Major Equipment Tag for Probe: 107153
  • SPEC 2D-S Hermetically-Sealed Probe Canister (SN016), Connector on Canister, male M85049/52-1-16W 9205.
  • IP Address:

2D-S General Description

  • Two 128-photodiode linear arrays work independently as high-speed and high-resolution optical imaging probes.
  • Captures two-dimensional images of particles passing through sample volume where laser beams overlap.
  • The region where the beams overlap uniquely defines the depth-of-field (and thus the sample volume) for small particles.
  • Response time is 10 times faster than the 2D-C.
  • Particles as small as 10 microns imaged at 200 m/s.
  • Greatly improved determination of sample volume and sizing of small particles less than 100 microns.
  • Data rates up to 13 MB per second, compressed into binary file.
  • Fits in standard PMS 2D canister and uses standard wiring.


Probe (w/o can): 19 lbs; 35” x 7” x 7” (8.6 kg; 89 cm x 18 cm x 18 cm)


  • Received Probe only – November 7th, 2013
  • Received computer – December 17th, 2013
  • Successful ground test – December 19th, 2013
  • Successful ground test with probe installed on aircraft – January 22, 2014
  • Successful test flight – March 6, 2014

Nitrogen Can Flush

July 13, 2015Nicholas Gapp
July 10, 2015Jamie Ekness
July 7, 2015Nicholas Gapp

Nitrogen Purging

Instructions here (Instructions are the same for the 2-DS and HVPS)

Problems and Solutions

Cleaning Optics and In-can Desiccant

atmos/citation/instruments/2ds/home.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/22 03:26 by