Cleaning 2D-C Prisms
- Unscrew the end caps.
- Use allen wrench to unscrew the prisms from the probe arms.
- Slide heater and prism assembly out of probe arms.
- In the right-hand probe arm, the holes for the hex screw can be seen in both the prism assembly and the probe arm.
- Clean the prisms with isopropyl alcohol.
- Insert the heater and prism assembly back into probe arms.
- Make sure the set screw is set correctly.
- Screw the end caps back on.
- Clean the prism above the image diodes inside the 2D-C with isopropyl alcohol.
- The prism can just be seen under the crossbar in this picture above the image diodes.
- When done cleaning prisms, verify that the end element voltages for both end are over 2V by attaching a voltmeter as demonstrated in the picture below. Make sure that on one side of the probe, the dial is set to 1 and for the other the dial is set to 32.
atmos/citation/instruments/2dc/2dc_prism.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by