Table of Contents
- Project: Polarimetric Cloud Analysis and Seeding Test: 2010 Field Season (POLCAST3)
- Dates: June 21th - July 23th
- Location: Eastern North Dakota
- Documentation: Operations Plan
- Photos from the project can be found on the POLCAST3 Gallery page
- Conference Call Number: 701-777-0967
Punch List
WMI Aircraft
Citation Aircraft
Surface Measurements
- Model Info:
- Initialization - Initialized once per day at 00z, cold start initialization.
- Current run of the WRF model
- Data from the WRF model runs being documented on the server.
- Directory \wrf_polcast3_plume
- Polcast Forecast form NDARB
- High resolution 1-km visible satellite imagery and regional radar mosaic with animation capabilities from College of DuPage
- Generate contour plots using the forecast models (RUC, GFS, NAM, etc…) from College of DuPage
- Generate point soundings using the forecast models (RUC, GFS, NAM, etc…) for any location which produces a METAR
- Extended (60-hr) GFS plots from UNYSIS with multi-panel capabilities
- Mesoanalysis Graphics are particularly helpful when SPC has us in a risk area
- Non-operational reflectivity product from the WRF model
atmos/citation/field/northdakota2010/home.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/30 21:19 by