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  • Project: IMPACTS - Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms
  • Dates: January and February 2023
  • Location: North East (United States)
  • Platform: NASA P3
  • Tail Number: N426NA
  • Flight Level Processing Script: process_all_impacts



  • Aircraft Configuration Document: /nas/und/NorthEast/2023/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/Documents/Configurations
  • Probe Operator Checklists: /nas/und/NorthEast/2023/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/Documents/Checklists
  • Probe Maintenance Checklists: /nas/und/NorthEast/2023/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/Documents/Checklists
  • M300 Tables: /nas/und/NorthEast/2023/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/Documents/M300_Table_Archive
  • Ground Test Data: /nas/und/NorthEast/2023/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/GroundData
  • Flight Data: /nas/und/NorthEast/2023/Aircraft/P3_N426NA/FlightData


2023 Science Flights:

Flight Dates Location Notes
2022/12/05 Calibration
2022/12/08 Calibration
2022/12/12 Calibration
2022/12/16 Calibration
2023/01/10 Calibration
2023/01/13 NY + Canada
2023/01/15 Atlantic Ocean 40+ sondes
2023/01/19 NY + Canada
2023/01/23 Maine + NH
2023/01/25 PA + Hudson River dry slot dendrites
2023/01/29 NY + Canada interesting particle habit
2023/02/05 Canada
2023/02/09 Michigan No ER2
2023/02/12 Ocean + Chesapeake Bay
2023/02/14 Minnesota
2023/02/16 Wisconsin
2022/02/23 Inland NY/NE/Canada
2023/02/28 UP Michigan


For the Hot-wire probes, calibrations are done using the 12 December 2022 Flight. Clear air speed runs

Start Time End Time Temperature Pressure
16:35:37 UTC 16:39:40 UTC -10 C 702 mb


F(x) = 0.29198221 * (X^0.49818697) - 0.52672155 c = 0.01992628 x = 0.049818697 a = -5.2672155


LWC Element: y = 2.38e-05 * (x^0.5) + 1.78 | c1 = 1.78 | c2 = 2.38e-05 | k = 0.5

TWC Element: y = 1.47e-05 * (x^0.5) + 2.87 | c1 = 2.87 | c2 = 1.47e-05 | k = 0.5

Quality Assurance

Instrument Edits Completed

Date ID WCM Edits Complete King Edits Complete
20221205_1 No No
20221208_154252 Yes (2023/09/06) No
20221212_122923 No No
20221216_114741 No No
20230110_041654 No No
20230113_041654 No No
20230115_1 No No
20230119_202459 No No
20230123_041654 No No
20230125_184946 No No
20230129_133405 No No
20230205_133304 No No
20230209_172935 No No
20230212_132810 No No
20230214_211703 No No
20230216_150059 No No
20230223_114748 No No
20230228_090908 No No


  • 20221208 - wcm may need more edits due to some values being outside noise level - will assess later


DateInstrument Edits (time/reason)
20221208 WCM 57763-58205 : take-off/instrument start up
20221208 WCM 75830-75873 : landing
20221208 King 57787-57993 : take-off/instrument start up
20221208 King 75824-75871 : landing

Preparation Tasks

  • Get a Subscription and Ensure Foreflight is working on IPAD.


2022/09/20 Sent Pallets to Wallops
2022/09/23 Wallops Received Pallets
2022/09/27 Pallets delivered to N-159 Hanger
2022/10/03 First day of NASA 2022/2023 Integration
2022/10/18 Jen, Michael arrival to WALLOPS base. Setup SPEC probe holder. HVPS-3A, HVPS-3B, Hawkeye, 2D-S installed on plane before arrival. Right and Left rack installed on P3 before arrival.
2022/10/19 No power to probes or racks. HVPS-3A repositioned in canister. HVPS-3B end cap installed.
2022/10/20 No power to probes or racks.
2022/10/21 No power to wings for the probes. Racks have power. On Monday we will start hooking up the racks to each circuit breaker.
2022/10/24 No power to wings for probes. Took M300 off rack to add jumpers to serial board - Serial board 10-17 has 6 RS422 (12-17).
2022/10/26 Working on power to wings for probes. Pinned out station 18 and 11 for the 2DS, PHIPS, HVPS3A, HVPS3B.
2022/10/27 Power on Stations 18 and 11. Tested power to PMS Cannisters for 2DS, HVPS's and PHIPS.
2022/10/28 HVPS 3A (SN 004) canister (SN H015) has damaged pins (3,4) on connector. Worked on connecting cables in the plane for right and left rack data and power. Hot wire boom is mostly intact - still working on putting together on bench.
2022/10/31 Shipped HVPS Cannister (SN H015) to Spec to be fixed. Worked on rack power.
2022/11/01 Installed and tested power to HVPS (SN 016) on wing - laser on. Worked on rack power. Noticed issue with left rack monitor/KVM; to be addressed.
2022/11/02 Took left rack monitor/KVM off rack to fix hardware issue. Hotwire boom installed on wing then promptly taken off due to threading issue. No power to station 9 with no probes installed.
2022/11/03 Hotwire boom reinstalled. Left rack monitor/KVM hardware fixed and reinstalled. 2DS installed on plane, successfully tested power and lasers. Successful test for power to the CDP.
2022/11/07 RICE-B data wire made. Plugged in power for racks to the P3 breakers. Ready to test probes via computers tomorrow (2022/11/08)
2022/11/08 Turned on left and right rack, all computers turned on. Tested power to King, CDP, WCM, RICE-B, and RICE-A. Probes on the hot-wire boom were mounted today after testing power. Tested power going to station 16 for the Hawkeye. Tested data to the 2DS and HVPS3-B.
2022/11/10 During M300 data testing, noticed King probe was not communicating. Was not getting any values for slave voltage or signal voltage. Spend day trouble shooting issue on King. Tested wiring from wing to probe, and wing to rack.
2022/11/11 Spent day troubleshooting issue on King probe. Tested the Slave and Master pins on Hot-wire. Was able to get King to communicate with A/D board, but was getting very small slave voltages. HVPS3-A canister arrived to Wallops. Installed Canister on wing, and installed HVPS3-A probe in canister.
2022/11/14 Took data on HVPS3-A.
2022/11/15 Reinstalled instruments on the HWB. Ran data tests on HWB instruments. Tested power for Hawkeye. Note: Hawkeye is communicating with computer.
2022/11/16 Continued to work on King probe issue. Tested heaters for 2D-S, HVPS3-A, and HVPS3-B in hanger.
2022/11/17 Tested heaters for 2D-S, HVPS3-A, HVPS3-B on tar mat after pressurization test was done on P3.
2022/11/18 Had access to plane in the afternoon. Updated M300 tables. Took M300 data, and did calibration test on CDP with 15 micron beads.
2022/11/21 Wallops is doing weight and balance check on P3. Worked on setting up 2023 directory on M300.
2022/11/22 Fixed King Probe issue. Tested heaters on cdp and king.
2022/11/28 Purge with Nitrogen Gas the HVPS3A, HVPS3B, and 2D-S probes.
2022/11/29 Took ground data on probes, including CDP calibration data. Crew Only Aircraft Check Flight
2022/11/30 Updated cloud probe network configurations to use time server
2022/12/01 Install one network cable connection for each rack, install power cables for Ipads.
2022/12/02 Install network cable and connected to KVM for the SPEC (spare) computer.
2022/12/05 Installed power cable for PHIPS laptop and to charge Stratus battery. Instrument Check Flight.
2022/12/06 Confirmed that Hawkeye computer power supplied failed. Install NCERT Stratus receiver on back power box. Check the M300 Interface check box to send out ASCII data, which was preventing data down-linking and real-time water content calculations by WCM.
2022/12/07 Replaced Hawkeye computer power supplied (750 W) with new (650 W) power supply to fixed problem.
2022/12/08 Wind Calibration Flight.
2022/12/09 Uploaded remaining Hawkeye data of yesterday's calibration flight onto aircraft server. Removed keyboard for right rack; mouse and keyboard on KVM/Monitor should now be operational. Purged 2D-S and FCDP with Nitrogen Gas. Issue with Model 239 Pressure Transducer that goes to pitot tube, not getting correct voltage at cabin end of wing wire like the static pressure transducer, possibly bad transducer, getting replacement (Setra model 239, 0-5 PSI, 0-5 VCD) from lab, exact replacement not available on Ebay.
2022/12/10 Purged HVPS3 A&B probes. Clean probes. Updated M300 tables to not used ASCII button to control serial data. Added counter for receiving d1 serial stream, additional to d0 serial stream from WCM-3000.
2022/12/10 Cloud Probe Calibration Flight.
2023/01/10 Winds Calibration/WISPER Test Flight. During Flight 2DS had issue with horizontal diodes and dropped 5 psi over the duration of the 5 hour flight. HAWKEYE had power issue.
2023/01/11 Testing Hawkeye and 2DS after issues during 20230110 flight. Clean and Purge probes. Updated M300 tables.

Packed items for 2023 Deployment

Blue Rubbermaid Tub - “Lab items” Blue Rubbermaid Tub - Spare Cables Blue Hawk Tool Box
Label Maker Power Cables Nitrogen Regulators
Label Maker tape Ethernet Cables Desiccant Bags and mini cable ties
Kim Wipes VGA Cables Extra Probe Covers
Extra cleaning Q-tips USB to RS422 Converter Terminal blocks
Aerosol Can VGA to Display port cables Serial gender changers
Mini Cups for screws RS422/232 cables Multimeter and Accessories
Velcro Null Modems Safety glasses
Stratus (foreflight) USB male to female cables X-acto knife set
GPS Antenna (foreflight) USB to RS232 adapter Alligator Clips
Storage Bags KVM Cables (VGA, mouse, usb) Pin Extractors
Computer Charger USB to ethernet adapter Solder
Mist Fan Spare power strip Thermal Grease
Spray Bottle Jumpers
Misc. Hardware
CVI Soot Particle
Splice Set
Wrench Set
Misc. tools
Cannister Covers and Hardware

Fall 2022 Integration/Instrument **Testing** Status

“HWB/Canister” refers to successful power to the associated canister.
“Installation” refers to the instrument successfully installed on the plane.
“Power-on” refers to successful observed power to the instrument on the plane. This includes a check of functioning lasers for appropriate instruments.
“Data” refers to data successfully observed by the instrument on the plane.
“Heater Power” refers to a successful test of the heaters with subsequent temperature check.

Instrument HWB/Canister Installation Power-on Data Heater Power
2DS 10/27/2022 11/03/2022 11/03/2022 11/08/2022 11/17/2022
Hawkeye 11/08/2022 10/17/2022 11/15/2022 11/28/2022 11/28/2022
HVPS3-A 10/27/2022 11/11/2022 11/11/2022 11/14/2022 11/17/2022
HVPS3-B 10/27/2022 11/01/2022 11/01/2022 11/08/2022 11/17/2022
CDP 11/03/2022 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 11/15/2022 11/22/2022
King 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 11/22/2022 11/22/2022 11/22/2022
WCM 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 11/15/2022 11/28/2022
RICE-A N/A 10/19/2022 11/08/2022 11/15/2022
RICE-B 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 11/15/2022

“N/A” refers to not applicable.
“HWB” refers to Hot-Wire Boom.
“RICE-A is on the Fuselage and RICE-B on the HWB”
“The 10/27/2022 Test on HVPS3-A found an issue with the connector inside the canister that was repaired by SPEC”
“During Data testing on 11/10/2022 for the HWB instruments, noticed King probe was not getting data on the A/D board. “

atmos/citation/field/impacts2023/home.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/07 16:11 by