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Steps for Combining Hourly Electric Field Mills Data for Cplot2.

- Go into the directory for which the hourly Field Mill data is located.
- Next, in the command line use the


command followed by the Field Mill files in chronological order separated by 1 space. Then you must combine the Field Mill data files into one single file using the '>' symbol and use the time stamp from the first Field Mill file for you new combined file:

$cat 'File 1' 'File 2' > 'New_combined_file_with_File1_time_stamp'

- Next, you need to view the file and remove all the the additional headers added onto the new file. This is because when you combined all the original Field Mill files together, it also added the headers as well. We only want one header at the beginning of the new combined file.

$vi 'New_combined_file_with_File1_time_stamp'

-Instead of having to scroll through thousands of lines of data to look for the headers, in vim: press the 'ESC' key on your keyboard, and type:

/22 1001

and hit enter and it should bring you to the closest header that is not at the top.
- While doing this, make sure that the data in between files do not overlap. If some of the data does overlap, then delete one of the extra copies in vim. The data will not be able to be read properly in Cplot2 if there is overlapping data, missing data, and/or extra headers within the new combined field mill file.
- Once you've completed all of the above steps, check to see if your new combined plot works in Cplot2:

$cplot2 'New_combined_file_with_File1_time_stamp'
atmos/citation/cals/fieldmills/home.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/13 18:46 by